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3 hours ago, Billsandhorns said:

Probably sue. As far as securing the border. Nothing, he already said that he is not going to change anything he is doing 


I suspect you are right, and it will also be another blatant violation of the Constitution too

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Crap Throwing Clavin
14 hours ago, Cinga said:

Greg Abbott has exercised the invasion clause of the Constitution, any bets on what Xiden response will be?





Biden's response will be something stupid.  His response should be "You can't invoke that clause, because as a state governor you don't have the authority to direct the federal government."


Abbot's being stupid referencing it.  He doesn't have - and really doesn't need - any federal authority to order state resources to secure the national border.  It's a clumsy PR play.

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Crap Throwing Clavin
1 hour ago, Hedge said:

Dead. Country. (and what he says is worse than what's quoted in the tweet)





It's a stupid rationale, which I'd completely expect from Shroomer.


But the practical fact is that you can't realistically deport everybody, either.  Any practical solution to immigration is going to require some mix of amnesty and deportation.  You can't realistically pursue just one of the other.  


(Plus...mass deportation of illegals being cast as racist against Hispanics?  Bullshit.  Most illegal immigrants are people who overstay a visa, not migrants from Central/South America.  Democrats successfully mis-casting the issue as migratory racial issue is one of the biggest roadblocks to immigration reform.)

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Crap Throwing Clavin
3 minutes ago, Hedge said:

Not a penny should be going to another country to protect their borders, until our own are secure.




Private property? Four words:


Safari park.  With lions.

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On 11/16/2022 at 12:24 PM, Hedge said:

Dead. Country. (and what he says is worse than what's quoted in the tweet)





Maybe spend that tax money incentivizing working families to have kids, discourage "gender affirming" surgery, limit abortions to circumstances of rapes or when the child or mother is in danger, and tamper down the new degenerate feminist culture?


I know, I know... I'm talking like a right wing "lunatic" right?

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If anyone wants to see just how far that Martha's Vineyard "stunt" initiated by Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis has gone, take a look at what's going on in France and Italy:


According to the U.K. Express:

A diplomatic row between France and Italy erupted last week when Rome forced Macron's hand to accept a humanitarian rescue ship, the Ocean Viking with 234 migrants aboard, after Italy had refused it a port for weeks.


In response to Italy's demand, France accepted migrants from the Ocean Viking rescue ship, President Emmanuel Macron retaliated by suspending its participation in an EU solidarity pact to accept 3,000 relocated migrants this year from Italy and sent officers to reinforce its southern border crossings and prevent migrants from entering.

It began as a migrant issue. What is going on in Europe is that assorted European NGOs sail ships to pick up illegal migrants from distant places like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Eritrea, and sub-Saharan Africa, at sea, ensconced on human-smuggling racket ships departing from Libya and serving as a kind of cartel taxi service, bringing the illegal migrants into Italian ports, which are the closest to the Libyan coast.


Italy takes in tens of thousand of these illegal migrants, which is proving profitable indeed for the human smugglers, but costly to Italy, which must pay for their welfare and upkeep, as well as tolerate the crime, the litter, the sexism, and the stone-age sanitation practices, sometimes even tent cities.

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You can’t really blame the current administration. They’re problem solvers. They realize they need a workforce and that dissident Americans aren’t going to physically build the mass “reeducation” camps for themselves.



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Darmanin made the comment in response to a question from a National Rally MP Mathilde Paris during a Q&A session in the French parliament, saying Italy is “attacking France.”


Paris was inquiring why the majority of the migrants aboard the Ocean Viking ship, which France allowed to dock, have been released from the administrative center housing them, despite the minister’s previous assurances that “(they) will not be able to leave the administrative center.” Instead of addressing the question, Darmanin claimed she was an “ally” of the “enemies” of France.

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On 11/30/2022 at 4:44 PM, Hedge said:



The "weakness" at the border is not about letting the drugs across. That is the blue pill.  The reason they want movement at the boarder is to get more children to traffic.

Edited by Fansince88
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On 12/3/2022 at 10:05 PM, Fansince88 said:

The "weakness" at the border is not about letting the drugs across. That is the blue pill.  The reason they want movement at the boarder is to get more children to traffic.


Eh, I'd say that their bigger concern is to allow passage of whatever product brings in money, whether it be children, drugs, workers, etc.

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From WaPo, buried in an opinion piece:


Sens. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) have reached an agreement on a draft framework of immigration reform compromises, sources familiar with the situation tell me. They involve issues such as the fate of “dreamers” brought here illegally as children and the processing of asylum seekers at the southern border. Will the 10 Republican senators necessary to overcome a filibuster go along?

A white paper laying out this Tillis-Sinema blueprint is circulating on Capitol Hill, congressional aides and advocates plugged into the talks tell me. Though the details are in flux, here’s a partial list of the major items it contains:

  • Some form of path to citizenship for 2 million dreamers.
  • A large boost in resources to speed up the processing of asylum seekers, including new processing centers and more asylum officers and judges.
  • More resources to expedite the removal of migrants who don’t qualify for asylum.
  • A continuation of the Title 42 covid-health-rule restriction on migrants applying for asylum, until the new processing centers are operational, with the aim of a one-year cutoff.
  • More funding for border officers.


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Crap Throwing Clavin
42 minutes ago, Ann said:

From WaPo, buried in an opinion piece:


Sens. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) have reached an agreement on a draft framework of immigration reform compromises, sources familiar with the situation tell me. They involve issues such as the fate of “dreamers” brought here illegally as children and the processing of asylum seekers at the southern border. Will the 10 Republican senators necessary to overcome a filibuster go along?

A white paper laying out this Tillis-Sinema blueprint is circulating on Capitol Hill, congressional aides and advocates plugged into the talks tell me. Though the details are in flux, here’s a partial list of the major items it contains:

  • Some form of path to citizenship for 2 million dreamers.
  • A large boost in resources to speed up the processing of asylum seekers, including new processing centers and more asylum officers and judges.
  • More resources to expedite the removal of migrants who don’t qualify for asylum.
  • A continuation of the Title 42 covid-health-rule restriction on migrants applying for asylum, until the new processing centers are operational, with the aim of a one-year cutoff.
  • More funding for border officers.



I agree in general terms with most of the bullets.  But this:


42 minutes ago, Ann said:
  • A large boost in resources to speed up the processing of asylum seekers, including new processing centers and more asylum officers and judges.
  • More resources to expedite the removal of migrants who don’t qualify for asylum.


Is nonsense.  Increased processing will result in increased grants of asylum, negating any sort of efforts at removal.


Also, later in the article...



The boost in resources would hopefully reduce the strain at the border, by moving migrants through the asylum-application process more quickly. 


Yeah, because increased resources to expedite people through a system always results in decreased use of that system.  :facepalm:  This will INCREASE border strain, since it'll increase the throughput at the processing centers and thereby encourage more asylum seekers.  


Progressives simply don't live in reality.

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We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming with our annual reminder it is still illegal to hire an illegal alien and US citizens are still overwhelmingly against them being hired before an American citizen or a legal alien.





The Rasmussen Reports/NumbersUSA poll surveyed midterm election voters, finding that 69 percent support the federal government requiring U.S. employers to screen potential hires through the electronic E-Verify system to ensure illegal aliens are not hired for jobs over American citizens and legal immigrants.

Across all racial demographics, a majority said they support nationwide mandatory E-Verify — including 73 percent of Hispanic Americans, 70 percent of black Americans, and 68 percent of white Americans.

Likewise, 69 percent of swing voters said they support Congress passing mandatory E-Verify along with 57 percent of Democrats and 83 percent of Republicans. The labor policy also gets massive support among non-college educated voters, 71 percent, who are the most likely to compete for jobs against illegal aliens



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