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Crap Throwing Clavin
1 hour ago, Ann said:

Ummm how about remain in Mexico?




Little-known fact: Texas was an independent country that was added to the Union as a state by international treaty around 1850.  Which treaty the US Government broke in 1862 or so.  


Texas, under international law, arguably has a legal right to secede.


And at this point, I think they should.  If the administration is going to enforce immigration limitations at the Texas-New Mexico/Arkansas/Oklahoma/Louisiana border, they're effectively treating Texas as a foreign nation anyway.

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8 hours ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


No you won't.  "Years ago" isn't now.  The administration owns the courts...and those they don't, they've shown they feel free to ignore.

Maybe, maybe not. Didn't Texas just win a court ruling over the Biden Administration's attempt to order a town to remove a barrier in the Rio Grande?

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On 9/8/2023 at 10:16 AM, Ann said:

Ummm how about remain in Mexico?





The Biden plan would force certain migrant families to remain in Texas — or possibly other border states — by tracking their location through GPS monitoring devices, such as ankle bracelets, according to the three officials, who were not authorized to speak publicly on the matter.


LMAO. So they're going to buy and attach thousands of GPS ankle monitors to the illegals, pay for someone to monitor their movements, and hope the illegals just don't cut them off and bolt 5 minutes later?


Yeah, that's about on brand for Dementia Joe's administration.

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Crap Throwing Clavin
51 minutes ago, Koko said:



LMAO. So they're going to buy and attach thousands of GPS ankle monitors to the illegals, pay for someone to monitor their movements, and hope the illegals just don't cut them off and bolt 5 minutes later?


Yeah, that's about on brand for Dementia Joe's administration.


And if they do catch them after that, then what?  They're going to deport them?


More likely, they sue Texas for not keeping the illegal immigrants in the state.  

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13 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:

And if they do catch them after that, then what?  They're going to deport them?


They'll send Corn Pop to deliver a stern admonition.

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AOC and Other Democrats Face Angry Backlash at Illegal Immigrant Crisis News Conference




Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and some other Democrat officials were loudly heckled and shouted down at a press conference on the city's illegal immigrant crisis in New York this morning.


One of the other Democrats at the conference, Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-NY), served up a big platter of the current Democrat talking points on illegal immigration; these are the sort of talking points one finds beneath the north end of a southbound horse:



Rep. Adriano Espaillat, D-N.Y., said the delegation was there to "see for themselves what the migration dynamic is in our nation," and that they saw children, families, "people that want to work, people that are fleeing violence, people that are fleeing environmental disasters.

"We see so many stories, heartbreaking stories manifest itself here. What I think, these are folks that will take New York City to a better place," he said as people kept shouting out in the background.



Let's be honest about this: Most of these people aren't fleeing violence, most aren't fleeing environmental disasters; they are leaving dysfunctional third-world countries, yes, but they come here to get work, to send money home, and many of them will try to bring in their families to take advantage of the US's generous social welfare system.


And some may have other goals, goals that could have an adverse effect on our national security. After all that has happened, after all of the waves of mostly military-age men - including some from China, a nation not known for its friendly relations with the United States at the moment -  flowing over the wide-open southern border, it's amazing that it took this long for a backlash to build up some steam, but it's happening. Even some blue-city politicians are starting to realize that the current situation is untenable. Although the Biden administration, like Ocasio-Cortez and Adriano Espaillat, continue to adhere to the same old repartee.



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