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Gavin in Va Beach
19 hours ago, devnull said:

Get ready for the new Narrative...



states are litrally insurecting against the government


Get ready? I've been ready for it for years! Let's go!!!! :b-nana:

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3 hours ago, The Guy In Pants said:

I wouldn’t be surprised if the federal government “invades” Texas. That will truly be the shot heard around the world if it happens. 

I doubt it though. Just as Kamala Harris’ political career revolves around knee pads and sweet nothings; Bidens is empty promises and gibberish. They’ll probably do nothing.


So would pit US troops against US troops? Don't see it happening though Xiden might try to send FBI, US Marshalls, and DHS Police to Texas and attempt to arrest Abbott and anyone else that might interfere with his wide open border policy.


But quite frankly, this has put Biden in a lose - lose situation. If he tries to arrest or take any other action against Texas, he is of course the bad guy. If he gives in, he's the bad guy to all his prospective new voters and that 15% of idiots in the polls that support his border nonsense

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2 hours ago, Cinga said:

But quite frankly, this has put Biden in a lose - lose situation. If he tries to arrest or take any other action against Texas, he is of course the bad guy. If he gives in, he's the bad guy to all his prospective new voters and that 15% of idiots in the polls that support his border nonsense

Yes. He does nothing, he loses. He does something, it is even worse. Illegals coming over in droves is a campaign issue. Biden is a terrible candidate. The Democrats have to be worried about the down ticket and turnout. 

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Andrew McCarthy: It Is Not Texas That’s Defying the Law — It’s Biden. 



This dispute will play out politically more than legally.


The “Civil War” talk is hyperbole, driven by Democrats who grasp that Biden’s position is not politically sustainable, especially with Election Day just months away.


This is why Biden is desperate to cut a deal with moderate Senate Republicans. When that falls apart — not because of Donald Trump’s machinations but because it is a terrible deal for the country — Biden will either have to cave (i.e., engage in actual border enforcement and refrain from interfering in state border enforcement) or seek election as the president who is suing the beleaguered people of Texas on behalf of illegal aliens — having ushered into the country more than 6 million of them (more than the population of 33 states).


“When it is said that the states must comply with federal law, that means statutory law, not the whims of the executive branch. Biden’s policy is not federal law. Federal law, which the president refuses to faithfully execute, calls for detention. As I have explained before, Biden’s actions are in gross violation of the law.”



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18 minutes ago, Ann said:

Yes. He does nothing, he loses. He does something, it is even worse. Illegals coming over in droves is a campaign issue. Biden is a terrible candidate. The Democrats have to be worried about the down ticket and turnout. 


And that my friend is exactly why the Senate in particular is pushing amnesty so hard now. They were counting on all these new votes

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Deranged Rhino


2 hours ago, Cinga said:


So would pit US troops against US troops? Don't see it happening though Xiden might try to send FBI, US Marshalls, and DHS Police to Texas and attempt to arrest Abbott and anyone else that might interfere with his wide open border policy.


But quite frankly, this has put Biden in a lose - lose situation. If he tries to arrest or take any other action against Texas, he is of course the bad guy. If he gives in, he's the bad guy to all his prospective new voters and that 15% of idiots in the polls that support his border nonsense


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Deranged Rhino

Biden is just dumb enough to do it too. 


Edited by Deranged Rhino
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14 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:




My only regret is that I have but one emoji to give at a time or I would give all of these



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7 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

We probably need (or do we already have?) a Civil War 2.0 thread... 



Economic sanctions by the US Government against a US State (and US citizens).  So, the Biden regime wants illegals in so badly that they are willing to do the unthinkable. I guess moving the army in or federalizing the National Guard is next. And there are people that will vote for more of this!


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1 hour ago, Hedge said:




That's bullshit because ordering the BP to open the border IS NOT a lawful order! To be lawful it needs to stand up to legal scrutiny as they say, but there are binding LEGAL immigration laws the Biden ordered them to break, and they did

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1 hour ago, Fansince88 said:

cant see them. Just a sample please


Here is one that basically says the same thing I just did except I took the law route, he takes the Constitutional route but like I said, BP has already proven they don't follow their own words



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Imagine being the President of the United States and waking up today


You’re told that every single day for the last 3+ years, thousands of unknown, unvetted migrants have illegally crossed our border and are being released into the country.


Millions and millions of people in just a couple of years under your term. It’s gotten to a point where states, politicians and Americans across the political spectrum are demanding action and begging for help.


City shelters are full, budgets are being cut, US citizens feel unsafe and many illegal migrants are being arrested for crimes including theft, drugs and even murder.


Imagine you’re the President and you’ve been made aware of this national crisis every single day… and you just do nothing.

Most people would react with shock and urgency. 


“How could this be happening? Seal the border! Send the national guard down there!”


But no… nothing. Not even an effort.


In fact, not only has President Biden done absolutely nothing with his own Executive Authority, but he has actually ordered his administration to sue Texas and block them from attempting to stop the mass illegal immigration on their own.


He then blames it on not having more money or resources from Congress, even though that would do absolutely nothing to stop this crisis.


What my Democrat friends need to understand is that you could have a million more border agents and endless funding, but if the plan and policy is still to let them cross the border illegally and release them into the US, nothing will change.


That would actually just speed up the disaster that is currently happening and encourage even more illegal immigration.


More funding and resources for the same broken policy is not a solution.


It’s truly hard to comprehend what is happening. It’s an absolute failure of leadership and I’m honestly not sure how it isn’t treason at this point.



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