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2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

donald trump news GIF by NowThis


I don't know that I would say this out loud around anyone other than family, but I am 100% convinced that the Biden team is cooking the books with all the illegals they let in -- and especially the ones they've been flying in in the dead of night -- and will absolutely ensure they win this one. 


It may well end up like the last one, where things suddenly stop in evening until they can get the numbers they need, but all that will do will lead to making J6 look like a family BBQ. And the uniparty will be much more aggressive this time.

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2 hours ago, Boyst said:

And people think that trump will win, let alone can win. It blows my mind. 

The only reason I think he may have a chance is all the lawfare. Why bother if they could cheat to 100M votes? 

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Deranged Rhino
2 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


I don't know that I would say this out loud around anyone other than family, but I am 100% convinced that the Biden team is cooking the books with all the illegals they let in -- and especially the ones they've been flying in in the dead of night -- and will absolutely ensure they win this one. 


It may well end up like the last one, where things suddenly stop in evening until they can get the numbers they need, but all that will do will lead to making J6 look like a family BBQ. And the uniparty will be much more aggressive this time.


There's no doubt they're gonna try to steal it again. Again being the operative word. That's why I can't get in line with people who say Trump's 100% going to lose - he didn't last time, losing and having it stolen are different. 


And the difference this time, if they try to steal it again, is it won't work. Sure, they may get Biden installed, but it'll be the end of the Republic - not in a generation, within the next 2 years. That's what we're facing. This is not a normal election. It's not the "most important election of our lifetimes" as is often said - it may just be the last American election if they try to pull shenanigans now. 


Too many of their methods of control have either been destroyed, coopted, or weakened to the point where they can't control the flow of information or narrative engineering like they used to. Yes, it works in smaller and smaller pockets of uninformed citizens or the establishment's storm troopers - but the machine has broken down. 


And they know it. 


Which is why I think the real calculus is what CTC has said a few times: make sure that when everything BIden/Obama have set up the past four years implodes, it does so on Trump's watch so he's tainted and/or forced to put out their fires (again) rather than doing what needs to be done to remove the likes of them from ever getting their hands on the wheel of power again (talking court cases, not violence for the internet spooks watching this forum).

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Crap Throwing Clavin
2 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Which is why I think the real calculus is what CTC has said a few times: make sure that when everything BIden/Obama have set up the past four years implodes, it does so on Trump's watch so he's tainted and/or forced to put out their fires (again) rather than doing what needs to be done to remove the likes of them from ever getting their hands on the wheel of power again (talking court cases, not violence for the internet spooks watching this forum).


Not just a prediction in the blind, either.  There's precedent: Obama paying off Iran to be quiet during his administration, and making them the next administration's problem.

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 As I said before the power in back of Biden will gamble by placing over 100 percent of the number of registered voters in a district in terms of overall votes cast.  If the count is too great that information will be destroyed in short order via "lost" data.  This will happen in Democrat strongholds where the ground troops such as Antifa and BLM will be fired up to counter any demands for verification.  

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If we had a thread dedicated to horrific crimes committed by illegal aliens who were allowed to enter by this administration, it would be longer than this one.



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32 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


I don't know that I would say this out loud around anyone other than family, but I am 100% convinced that the Biden team is cooking the books with all the illegals they let in -- and especially the ones they've been flying in in the dead of night -- and will absolutely ensure they win this one. 


It may well end up like the last one, where things suddenly stop in evening until they can get the numbers they need, but all that will do will lead to making J6 look like a family BBQ. And the uniparty will be much more aggressive this time.

  The Democrats will have riots in the streets post election so the desired results will not be interfered with should anybody question them.  I would suspect that the Biden Administration will limit any counter response such as sending in Federal troops into Philadelphia for example to quell the rioting.  In part a reason our military has been reprogrammed and key personnel pushed into retirement.  

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48 minutes ago, Ann said:

The only reason I think he may have a chance is all the lawfare. Why bother if they could cheat to 100M votes? 

i wish i had time to do this again, but i did it roughly years ago in 2015 i think it was.


there are 3143 counties in the US. the top 30 counties have almost 75mm people with a total population of 330mm in the US. The total count for the top 100 counties is 140mm.


Half of that population can and will vote. For all 100 counties that's going to be about 70mm votes. Control those 70mm and make sure the people you want vote - like has been done - and boom - you got a damn good start.


vs. rural smaller towns it's just not the same.

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Crap Throwing Clavin
56 minutes ago, Ann said:



The Clinton Foundation has received how many dollars over the past 15 years to rebuild Haiti after the earthquake, and this is the progress?


You want to talk about money laundering, kickbacks and fraud?  Joe and Hunter are rank amateurs compared to the Clintons.

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As many of you have noticed, @RadioGenoa  has been silent since June 11th. His house was raided by the police on June 13th. They took his phone, iPad, access to his X acct and email acct.  


Antonio Mastantuono was doxxed by left wing media on Dutch TV in May. Since them, many left wing activists have been making false reports to the police about him to try to shut down his reports about illegal migrants in Europe.  The investigation is related to a Telegram channel that Antonio has no connection to. Someone created the Telegram channel and just used similar branding to piggyback off of @RadioGenoa. He is accused of racism and Nazism, none of which he does on his X account.   


His lawyers have reviewed the case and tell him that they are just trying to intimidate @RadioGenoa  into stop sharing videos on X related to the illegal migrant invasion of Europe.  

From his gofundme:


On June 13th at 7 am, the Carabinieri from the Anti-Crime Unit of Rome entered with a warrant from the Rome Prosecutor's Office to search my home and seize my PC and iPad Pro that I was using for work. They also seized my phone card and also my X RadioGenoa account and my Google account. The passwords have been changed by the Carabirinieri and at the moment I do not have the credentials to access them.


For this reason I have been silent on X for two weeks. At the moment I cannot say anything else because the investigations are still ongoing. Their goal is to censor and limit freedom of expression and speech.


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19 minutes ago, Nanker said:



I saw a clip where he said (basically) this on the View. The first thing someone said to him after he finished that was, "But not all of them."  :classic_blink: Like that made it ok. One person is too many!! Those women are horrible human beings. 

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On 7/5/2024 at 7:49 AM, Ann said:

I saw a clip where he said (basically) this on the View. The first thing someone said to him after he finished that was, "But not all of them."  :classic_blink: Like that made it ok. One person is too many!! Those women are horrible human beings. 

No difference that putting a dropper of piss in a cup of water and saying you filled my cup with piss. Well, not all of it. It still corrupts the whole cup.  Yes, they are horrible.

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Mayor of California city, El Cajon, reveals the hidden expenses of illegal migrants as thousands of migrants enter into their state EVERYDAY. He reveals they receive free healthcare, free sex changes, free college tuition and even a free 20% down payment on a home (that they have to give back when they sell).


. Illegal migrants are receiving more benefits than US CITIZENS WHO PAY TAXES!



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Crap Throwing Clavin
20 minutes ago, Ann said:

Mayor of California city, El Cajon, reveals the hidden expenses of illegal migrants as thousands of migrants enter into their state EVERYDAY. He reveals they receive free healthcare, free sex changes, free college tuition and even a free 20% down payment on a home (that they have to give back when they sell).


. Illegal migrants are receiving more benefits than US CITIZENS WHO PAY TAXES!





Seriously?  Come on...how many illegal aliens are going to El Cajon to recieve free sex changes?  That's ridiculous.  :classic_laugh:

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3 hours ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:



Seriously?  Come on...how many illegal aliens are going to El Cajon to recieve free sex changes?  That's ridiculous.  :classic_laugh:

They’re changing the name of El Cajon to Donde esta mi Cajones.  

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1 hour ago, 4merper4mer said:

They’re changing the name of El Cajon to Donde esta mi Cajones.  


Reminds me of a story some of my friends told me about their days in the Navy.


When in a Caribbean or Central American port, asking Donde esta El Burro can lead to a show you will never forget and probably wish you hadn't seen....

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There’s Viral Videos On Other Platforms Calling Donald Trump A Liar For Saying Illegal Migrants Are Getting Social Security


Here’s J.J. Carrell, former US Border Deputy Patrol Agent for 22 years confirming illegals are getting MAXIMUM social security payout. They’re being paid more money from social security than an American who’s worked their whole life


“Maximum social security benefit payout”


“Here's another sick thing that you need to understand. I worked 24 years in the border patrol. I have social security. 


You're a working man, you pour into social security. You got truckers 30 years, construction workers, nurses, stockbrokers, whatever.


When I bring in my illegal alien grandma, that's never, never worked a day in her life, you know that she gets the maximum social security benefit payout, but she'll get more money than me. For our grandmas and grandpas that are living paycheck to paycheck, the illegal alien grandma from Sudan and Mexico, wherever, she gets more money than the person who has worked her whole life. I mean, this is infuriating.”


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