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23 hours ago, Ann said:


People like him conveniently omit the adjectives that make their statement have any relevance to what is actually happening, and those like him in the media are the worst offenders.


Of course liberal elites are perfectly fine being around elite immigrants from around the globe.  A large number of them are also fine with being around illegal immigrants as their maids & their gardeners but they certainly would never stoop to actually get to know them or allow them to live in homes less than a 30 minute bus ride from their gated community homes.  (Same, for the most part as conservative elites and middle of the road elites.)


It's just a different branding of their use of the terms "climate change" and "climate change denier."  Not one single modestly or better educated person denies climate change.  Where the contentions arise is whether or not it is predominantly human-induced, how large of a problem (is it even a problem) if it is, & how to go about addressing said problem.


Personally, would be perfectly fine w/ a few dozen "migrant" families moving onto the right away in front of his primary residence.  Maybe he'd understand what people are actually discussing when talking about this issue.

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Crap Throwing Clavin
2 hours ago, Ann said:

This is straight out of the Saul Alinsky playbook. There is no downside for Abbott or DeSantis, and the base absolutely loves the move.  Imagine 50 whole people being the cause of a "crisis" in tony Martha's Vineyard? The ads write themselves, and the hypocrisy shines through.

With the media, who has been sitting on the border being wide open issue (smothering it with a pillow) up in arms and covering this, and it is now an issue. Will it be as big a voting issue in November as the economy? Doubtful. But, it is now in people's minds. Maybe some will ask why this wasn't a massive problem when Trump was in office? And why Biden went to court to reverse "remain in Mexico" and stopped work on the wall?


Claimed to stop work on the wall.  They completed a good portion of it.  https://thehill.com/homenews/3583571-white-house-defends-construction-on-border-wall/

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Crap Throwing Clavin
1 minute ago, Ann said:

Give it time








Of course, it's the secessionist flag from when they tried to secede in 1977.  So it's treasonous.


Yes, Martha's Vineyard tried to secede in 1977.  :classic_laugh:

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1 minute ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


Claimed to stop work on the wall.  They completed a good portion of it.  https://thehill.com/homenews/3583571-white-house-defends-construction-on-border-wall/

That is because Mark Kelly was having real problems campaigning against Blake Masters due to the border being open. Arizona was also “planning “ on doing border wall work (bet those plans end the day after the election if Masters and/or Lake lose). It will be interesting to see what, if any, of this work is completed.

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Amazing how quick the National Guard came to toss 50 immigrants but were never called to stop any BLM/ANTIFA riots over the career criminal who overdosed on fentanyl.

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Someone should ask KJP about this, but I'm sure she'll respond with, "What we're saying is we have a plan to fix the mess the previous administration left behind," and THAT is the moment someone should let her know how FEW deaths there were on the border under Trump.


But they won't.



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Meanwhile, a border town needs refrigerators to store all the dead bodies.


But thank goodness the MV people have $40K in GoFundMe donations to buy boutique underwear for 50 illegals.



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