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Conspiracy "theories"


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On 1/25/2023 at 11:39 AM, Crap Throwing Clavin said:

This "Damar Hamlin is dead, and we're only seeing a body double" conspiracy theory is one of the most awesomely stupid things I've ever seen.  


I really want to milk this for all it's worth.  "Damar wasn't hit by Tee Higgins, he was hit by a cruise missile!"  "Damar Hamlin can't melt steel beams!"  "Damar Hamlin was on the grassy knoll!"  



Just so you know sir, over at PPP, several posters have lamented that you were not there to address such a nonsensical theory.


I assured them that you had already commented on it over here at the "Good" board.


So, we may get some visitors to see,


or I may get suspended from that board.



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Crap Throwing Clavin
26 minutes ago, B-Man said:



Just so you know sir, over at PPP, several posters have lamented that you were not there to address such a nonsensical theory.


I assured them that you had already commented on it over here at the "Good" board.


So, we may get some visitors to see,


or I may get suspended from that board.




Let them know that they actually have to tag me with "@DC_Tom," so I get notified.


Won't call people idiots without the bat signal being sent.

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Crap Throwing Clavin

We all know that the bombers of the Nordstream 2 pipeline were never seen near it...and Damar Hamlin was never spotted near the Nordstream 2 pipeline.


Makes you think, doesn't it?

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2 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:

We all know that the bombers of the Nordstream 2 pipeline were never seen near it...and Damar Hamlin was never spotted near the Nordstream 2 pipeline.


Makes you think, doesn't it?

Remember that text “it’s done”? Did you know that there was a 3 and a heart after it ?

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11 minutes ago, Nouseforaname said:

Remember that text “it’s done”? Did you know that there was a 3 and a heart after it ?



More, "It's done" is actually short for "it is done". . . . . . . . . . . Three words.  Coincidence ?  I doubt it.



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12 minutes ago, B-Man said:



More, "It's done" is actually short for "it is done". . . . . . . . . . . Three words.  Coincidence ?  I doubt it.



You know who else sends heart emojis? That’s right, zielinsky’s wife.  The plot thickens.


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2 minutes ago, Nouseforaname said:

You know who else sends heart emojis? That’s right, zielinsky’s wife.  The plot thickens.


And Zielinsky is 3 syllables.....

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9 minutes ago, Fansince88 said:

And Zielinsky is 3 syllables.....


There is rumours that Zielinsky is having an affair with none other than...


you guessed it...


Tee Higgins



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Crap Throwing Clavin

Bet you didn't know that Damar Hamlin's zodiac sign is - er, was Aries.  The Ram.


And his Chinese zodiac sign?  Tiger.  


Ram a tiger?  WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!

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13 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:

Bet you didn't know that Damar Hamlin's zodiac sign is - er, was Aries.  The Ram.


And his Chinese zodiac sign?  Tiger.  


Ram a tiger?  WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!


Even worse...


What do people refer to our defense as? That's right, you guessed it, Paper Tiger.

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Deranged Rhino

"Conspiracy Theorist": First coined by the CIA in relation to the Warren Commission and was designed to paint anyone who doubted their work as kooks in the public. To silence dissent and control the narrative around the president's murder. This is a fact, verified in later years with documentation and testimony from within the IC. The intent was to be able to publicly shame and isolate anyone who did not toe the line created by the narrative engineers of the day. Controlling language is one of the primary tools in the psyop and IW toolkit. To think the IC across the globe has given up on this pursuit over the ensuing decades is inaccurate to the point of absurdity. 

*Note: Whether or not Oswald acted alone is completely irrelevant, the point being that the IC created a new language to control information. It's real, it was deliberately done to increase their own power base at the expense of your own.


Flat Earthers: A psyop birthed within the USIC in 2011ish to sow seeds of doubt amongst any and all free-thinking (ie: not establishment controlled) publications, websites, forums, figure heads, et al by making them easy targets of mockery and derision. The goal was to get these fringe sites and sources to cover the topic, even in contempt, then any NPC who checks into the sources' track record (especially on IC tied search engines) will see story after story about how "they believe in or cover Flat Earth" which in turn makes it easy for Joe Public to dismiss anything and everything else contained within those sources and sites. It worked even faster than the original planners imagined because countless people took the bait without a second thought. 

*Note: this isn't to say the flat earth theory originated with the USIC, just the new strain and spokespeople. 


Fake News: First coined by the Washington Post to discredit the Comet Ping Pong story that sprung from the leaked Podesta and Clinton emails. This term was almost immediately co-opted by 45 to counter the establishment backed and IC run operation against his administration (ie: RussiaGate). In turn the same people who created the phrase, distanced themselves from it while pointing out that anyone who used that phrase must be a Trumper or disinformation agent. It worked. Today most people associate "Fake News" with right wing "conspiracy theorists" as a means of dismissing their point of view. 


And now we have the Hamlin stuff which smells like the same gambit. Drop a little chum in the water, wait for the right kind of people to take the bait - then use it to discredit wide swaths of the population who dare question anything about the vaccines or the pandemic itself. It works like this: 


"I think something's fishy about the natural origin story of C19."


"I bet you think Hamlin died too, right?! Don't listen to this asshat."


It's an easy way to discredit the very notion of thinking for one's self. "Hamlin's dead" will be used as a hammer to bludgeon the free-thinkers on the entire topic of the pandemic, whether or not they even have an opinion on Hamlin. You already see this playing out in the establishment press and their talking heads like Stern. 


I've said it before, I'll keep saying it. When you're a combatant in an information war - which we all are whether we acknowledge it or not - DISCERNMENT IS KEY


The powers that be want to control every facet of your reality. The only way you stand a chance is to exercise extreme discernment on all issues, not just the ones that spring from establishment narratives or narrative engineers. 


Just my .02 cents. 

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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Crap Throwing Clavin

Any truth to the rumor that Hamlin's not dead, but was called back to Alpha Draconis because his treatment at UCMC revealed he was, in fact, a reptoid?


Just asking questions...

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Crap Throwing Clavin

In researching the Damar Hamlin disappearance and cover-up, I've come across something I've never heard before.


On 1 December 2010, at the Sharm el Sheikh resort on the Sinai peninsula, there were four shark attacks within minutes of each other.  Egyptian divers near Sharm el Sheikh later caught a shark with an Israeli GPS guidance package strapped to it.


Not lasers...but frickin' man-eating sharks with frickin' Israeli GPS guidance.  

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Crap Throwing Clavin

Why hasn't Danny Kellington been seen in public or given any interviews since he "revived" Hamlin?  What's he hiding?



(This is absolutely the stupidest conspiracy theory ever.  I love it.  I'm excited to be a part of it.)

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14 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

"Conspiracy Theorist": First coined by the CIA in relation to the Warren Commission and was designed to paint anyone who doubted their work as kooks in the public. To silence dissent and control the narrative around the president's murder. This is a fact, verified in later years with documentation and testimony from within the IC. The intent was to be able to publicly shame and isolate anyone who did not toe the line created by the narrative engineers of the day. Controlling language is one of the primary tools in the psyop and IW toolkit. To think the IC across the globe has given up on this pursuit over the ensuing decades is inaccurate to the point of absurdity. 

*Note: Whether or not Oswald acted alone is completely irrelevant, the point being that the IC created a new language to control information. It's real, it was deliberately done to increase their own power base at the expense of your own.


They like using TV shows and movies to sow doubt usually by some crazy character who tells you the truth but is so off the wall in their behavior that anyone who sees that as reality is identified with such a character. Now watch this old clip of Barney Miller and ask yourself if the character played by Jeffrey Tambor really sounds insane or is predictive of organizations like the WEF and others.



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3 minutes ago, SackMan518 said:


They like using TV shows and movies to sow doubt usually by some crazy character who tells you the truth but is so off the wall in their behavior that anyone who sees that as reality is identified with such a character. Now watch this old clip of Barney Miller and ask yourself if the character played by Jeffrey Tambor really sounds insane or is predictive of organizations like the WEF and others.



in your face.

all the time

everyone thought the Matrix was sci fi

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International Man: What is the idea behind the so-called “Great Reset?”


Nick Giambruno: We’ve seen countless examples of the self-identified elite in the West using that term.

But let me first ask, who put these people in charge? Who anointed them the leaders of the world?

They’re not only talking about resetting the financial system but dramatically changing the nature of life.

I think something sinister is going on, and they’re not even trying to hide it anymore. It’s all in the open now.


So, let me try to summarize something incredibly complex.


These people recognize the current international monetary system based on the US dollar is on its way out. Even Jerome Powell, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, acknowledges that the US dollar’s supremacy is fading.

Although they would prefer to continue milking the current system, they realize it’s failing and the need to bridge the gap to a new system which they hope to control.

Nobody knows what the next international monetary system will look like—not even the elites. However, they know what they want it to look like.


They want a complete control grid with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), movement licenses, mandatory medical procedures, and a social credit system, among other nasty things.


Simply put, the Great Reset agenda is a high-tech, totalitarian, global panopticon.


In short, they want total control over you in all domains—a new feudalism.





Don’t let any government, whether it’s the US government, the Chinese government, or a global government entity like the IMF, tell you what money is.

Money does not need to come from the government. That’s a total misnomer that the average person has been brainwashed into believing.


However, for over 2,500 years, gold has been mankind’s most enduring form of money.


Gold didn’t become money by accident or because some politicians decreed it. Instead, it became money because countless individuals throughout history and across many different civilizations subjectively came to the same conclusion: gold is money.


Gold has a set of unique characteristics that make it suitable as money.


Gold is durable, divisible, consistent, convenient, scarce, and most important, it’s the “hardest” of all physical commodities. In other words, gold is “hard to produce” relative to existing stockpiles and the one physical commodity most resistant to inflation of its supply. That’s what gives gold its monetary properties.


Bitcoin shares many of gold’s monetary characteristics. Like physical gold, Bitcoin does not have counterparty risk, and nobody can arbitrarily inflate the supply.




The vast majority of humanity does not understand what makes for a good money. Instead, they’ve been hypnotized into believing something inferior—the scraps of paper or digital entries that governments can create with no effort—is good money.


It’s a sad state of affairs and one of the biggest swindles in human history.


To enact their Great Reset agenda, the elites count on the average person not understanding the issues around money. They are relying on people blindly swallowing their poisonous CBDCs.



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Crap Throwing Clavin
1 hour ago, Nouseforaname said:



This is the loon I was referring to earlier, who seems to have started this just for the attention.

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