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57 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


Someone in the comments makes a good point that this could just as easily be incompetence, which is equally scary.


While I always appreciate your clear openness to always see both sides, we both know if these phuckers were arrested because they're MAGA white supremacists, there is no way all news outlets aren't running mugshots and background of every one of these dudes. Every single won. They'd make trading cards doxing their entire bloodline.


This is no different than the yahoo redneck with the fake southern drawl caught in DC with a bunch of guns in the back of his pick'emup truck, who was never heard from again.


The real incompetence here is how the feds think this actually works to convince the world that, as Biden said moments earlier, the single greatest threat to the United States at this very moment...is white supremacy. :classic_laugh:



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On 5/15/2023 at 2:30 PM, IDBillzFan said:


While I always appreciate your clear openness to always see both sides, we both know if these phuckers were arrested because they're MAGA white supremacists, there is no way all news outlets aren't running mugshots and background of every one of these dudes. Every single won. They'd make trading cards doxing their entire bloodline.


This is no different than the yahoo redneck with the fake southern drawl caught in DC with a bunch of guns in the back of his pick'emup truck, who was never heard from again.


The real incompetence here is how the feds think this actually works to convince the world that, as Biden said moments earlier, the single greatest threat to the United States at this very moment...is white supremacy. :classic_laugh:




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13 hours ago, Fansince88 said:



Gee, thanks. You're going to make a wonderful wife one day.



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Question for @Deranged Rhino, but anyone else if you're so inclined.


It's virtually impossible now for me to ignore how we suddenly have a mass shooting -- at least in terms of its intended definition -- at the same time we know something is about to be released that looks bad for the president.


Now, it could just be that SO many bad things are coming out about the president --  his son, the money laundering, his dementia, how much people don't want him to run, the flood of illegal immigrants -- that a mass shooting can easily trip over one of these items.


But I just don't ever recall there ever being this many mass shootings under the previous administration.


We actually joke now...when some report or story is about to be leaked...how this sure would be the ideal time for a mass shooting.


What I can't get my head around is this: if you were truly going to orchestrate a mass shooting using some demented nutbag in an attempt to turn the media head in a different direction, how would you even pull that off?

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Deranged Rhino
1 hour ago, IDBillzFan said:

Question for @Deranged Rhino, but anyone else if you're so inclined.


It's virtually impossible now for me to ignore how we suddenly have a mass shooting -- at least in terms of its intended definition -- at the same time we know something is about to be released that looks bad for the president.


Now, it could just be that SO many bad things are coming out about the president --  his son, the money laundering, his dementia, how much people don't want him to run, the flood of illegal immigrants -- that a mass shooting can easily trip over one of these items.


But I just don't ever recall there ever being this many mass shootings under the previous administration.


We actually joke now...when some report or story is about to be leaked...how this sure would be the ideal time for a mass shooting.


What I can't get my head around is this: if you were truly going to orchestrate a mass shooting using some demented nutbag in an attempt to turn the media head in a different direction, how would you even pull that off?


*The following is WILD speculation, somewhat informed speculation but still WILD speculation:


The honest, but sure to produce a giggle-snort-answer, is MK Ultra 2.0. Though, it's more like 5.0 by this point. We know it was a real program with real funding. We know that part of it's purpose was mind control to create sleeper assets. And we know it was never stopped after the Church Committee revealed its existence. That was almost 50 years ago, and during the interim, the program has only become stronger, sleeker, and more compartmentalized. I think it's more than possible the new MK Ultra works in combination with pharmaceutically enhanced people triggered through some sort of Voice of God tech (another program we know through congressional findings is real or was at least funded and attempted). 


Three of the first "mass shooters" under Biden's regime (forget their names, early 2021) allegedly shared the same shrink despite living in wildly different areas of the country. This rumored revelation prompted more digging by anonymous citizens into other shooters over the years and revealed similar psychiatric connections going back through W's terms. The conclusion drawn by many was that some shrinks are on the IC payroll and positioned to screen and select candidates who they then tear down and rebuild like something out of the Manchurian Candidate or Jason Bourne. Sounds far fetched... but it's well within the realm of possibility with today's pharmaceuticals, medical science, and technology - and it was the stated goal of the MK Ultra program in the 60s.


Not unrelated: Notice the huge push in the Millennial and younger generations to make therapy a requirement for social acceptance (therapy is cool! every dating app has hundreds of women and men with that kind of line in their advert), which goes hand in hand with the dramatic rise in the number of people who have been prescribed some form of pharmaceutical enhancement to increase their mental health.


That's not to say all therapy is bad, or all meds are bad - that's certainly not the case. There are legit mental health issues that need to be treated both by a psychologist and meds. But it's (likely) a big part of the equation regarding this issue. If you were looking to condition, sedate, and control a rising demographic, getting in through the shrinks is a good way to go about it.


The original MK Ultra used pharmaceutical enhancement (LSD) to make people suggestable. This is factual and backed by documentation and Congressional testimony. And that was in the 60s and 70s. The drugs and technology have improved exponentially in the ensuing half century making it possible to customize your sleepers in a much more deniable and manageable fashion.


There are other possible ways to accomplish this kind of mass shooter indoctrination program. If you really want to go down the silly-hole, you could try to bring in HAARP, 5G or any of the Gs, Vaccines with nanotech (my personal favorite to giggle-snort about) - but none of them are nearly as convincing to me as the ongoing presence of an updated MK Ultra program. 


And if you really think about it, and the rules even the bad guys are seemingly governed by (namely, that they must tell us what they're going to do to us before they do it), they've been bragging about this kind of technology everywhere from the halls of Congress to the local cineplex to countless TV programs (funny, they're called programs isn't it?) for over 50 years which creates the laugh effect when someone brings up the possibility that some of this may be reality, not science fiction. 


Just like they did with UFOs for decades until 2017.


Just like they did with people who believed the CIA had anything to do with JFK. 


Just like they did with anyone who said the government is listening to your calls and reading your emails until 2003.


Just like they did with RussiaGate deniers until just last week.


Just like they did with... the list goes on. 

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31 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


*The following is WILD speculation, somewhat informed speculation but still WILD speculation:


There was a time I'd consider this utter bullshit.


Not any more. Wild speculation? No question. But the first three shooters all tied to the same shrink? If that's true, it wouldn't be too difficult to convince me of anything else.

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Deranged Rhino
1 hour ago, IDBillzFan said:


There was a time I'd consider this utter bullshit.


Not any more. Wild speculation? No question. But the first three shooters all tied to the same shrink? If that's true, it wouldn't be too difficult to convince me of anything else.


I'll dig for the receipts re that connection - it was a few years ago so I don't know if I still have it bookmarked but will check and see what I can find. It all went down when the election "denying" was still the lead story, which makes sense if you were the establishment in need of a distraction. 



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4 hours ago, IDBillzFan said:


Gee, thanks. You're going to make a wonderful wife one day.



Dont tell the wife Im married to now. She will be devastated. 

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1 minute ago, Fansince88 said:

Dont tell the wife Im married to now. She will be devastated. 


I'm pretty sure she knows.

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19 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:



That's not to say all therapy is bad, or all meds are bad - that's certainly not the case. There are legit mental health issues that need to be treated both by a psychologist and meds. But it's (likely) a big part of the equation regarding this issue. If you were looking to condition, sedate, and control a rising demographic, getting in through the shrinks is a good way to go about it.


doesn't hurt that a very big chunk of middle and high school "guidance counselors" are psychologists or psychatrists, whose main objective seems to be to get kickbacks from prescribing meds to disillusioned kids. 


Using this resource to identify and groom CIA "shooters" would not be a bridge too far.  

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Deranged Rhino

Nothing new, but covers almost all the bases. 7 years ago most people would scoff this off as nonsense. And maybe it still is, but it's a little bit harder to dismiss it out of hand with all we've been allowed to see over the past decade... 

(not an endorsement of the account, no idea who either is)



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As noted by Dr. Robert Malone in a Jan. 25, Substack article, this vaccine passport system is being put into place right under our noses, and it would be incredibly naïve to think that these new ICD-10 codes are not part of that scheme:15

“The administrative state is busy building a vaccine passport system that will be active before most Americans are aware of what is being done to them. No one is going to knock on your door asking for your vaccine status because they already know …

“They don’t need approval from Congress or the courts because we have given them the information through our health care providers. The CDC is the governmental organization tasked with tracking vaccine status on individuals.

“They already have the records, as well as updated booster information. They just need to tweak a definition here and there, or get President Biden to keep the COVID-19 public health emergency in place indefinitely and the vaccine passports will be a fait accompli.”

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Deranged Rhino

An oldie but goodie. Lots to point out in this, but the symbols are the most important. Notice how they're ubiquitous in photo shoots of celebrities even today. Is it just that those are poses photographers find the most fun or aesthetically pleasing? Maybe. Or is it a way of showing who's in the club? Could be. (One eye, "as above so below" signs, et al)



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On 5/24/2023 at 12:35 PM, Deranged Rhino said:

An oldie but goodie. Lots to point out in this, but the symbols are the most important. Notice how they're ubiquitous in photo shoots of celebrities even today. Is it just that those are poses photographers find the most fun or aesthetically pleasing? Maybe. Or is it a way of showing who's in the club? Could be. (One eye, "as above so below" signs, et al)




Umm, is the point of this that the people that were newsworthy over the past 60 years are all Satanists but others that didn't make his song aren't?  Because am quite certain that if you look hard enough you'll find photos of EVERYONE that is flashing one (or more) of these cultist signs.


Pretty sure am missing the point on this one.

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Deranged Rhino
4 hours ago, Taro T said:


Umm, is the point of this that the people that were newsworthy over the past 60 years are all Satanists but others that didn't make his song aren't?  Because am quite certain that if you look hard enough you'll find photos of EVERYONE that is flashing one (or more) of these cultist signs.


Pretty sure am missing the point on this one.

It’s not that they’re all Satanists - it’s more about how long this infiltration (if you subscribe to it) has been ongoing.

Sometimes - most times - a sign is just a sign or gesture is just a gesture. And plenty of more times people can be coaxed into doing things in front of a camera (by the cameraman or behind the scenes money people) that they don’t know the true reason for. 


But the prominence of certain signals, handshakes, and imagery in establishment media isn’t an accident. It wasn’t then, it sure isn’t now. 

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Crap Throwing Clavin

A new one I just heard today:


Australia doesn't exist.  It was invented by the Brits to cover up the mass murder of prisoners they claimed they transported to Botany Bay.


When you travel to Australia, you're actually traveling to a secret city in New Zealand.  


I love this theory.  :classic_laugh:

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