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1 hour ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


Never heard the "Jews will end up dead" part...but yeah, the "Jews returning to Israel triggers the Rapture" is pretty common, particularly among the televangelist crowd (Pat Robertson espoused it frequently).


It's also fairly ridiculous.  The state of Israel, in that sort of prophesy, does not create the Rapture.  It is, at best, a precondition, and one that God himself is free to ignore.  


Agreed, the Jews will end up dead is not Scripture based but it is pretty cool they literally get a second chance at everlasting life. You're also correct about Israel becoming a nation once again prior to the Rapture as God promised He would call them home from the north, south, eat and west. Interesting side note to that, Biblical historians wondered how any Jews could come from the south until a tribe in Ethiopia proved to have Hebrew DNA perhaps through Bathsheba some speculate. Sadly, many in Israel are having a hard time accepting there are black Jews.


As for the rest, no, it's not just your televangelists, it's almost every Christian that believes in a Rapture with only the timing of it the question with the majority Pre-Tribulation believers. The other mistake in your thinking is that "God Himself is free to ignore". God is Faithful and is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow and what is Written does not change.


Besides, He wrote the Book, why would He want to change it?

Edited by Cinga
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6 hours ago, snafu said:

This is the second time I've come across this statement since Hamas attacked Israel.  Basically, the theory is that American Evangelicals are pro-Israel only because once Jews re-control Israel that will trigger the Rapture and all Jews will end up dead.  So, to be an Evangelical pro-Zionist = being anti Semitic.


For the People in the Back: Anti-Zionism Is Not Anti-Semitism (msn.com)

Many evangelicals are Christian Zionists who believe in Israel because they see its dominance and expansion as a critical prerequisite for the Rapture—one where all us Jews end up in hell. These are her allies. The most notorious anti-Semites are not in Students for Justice in Palestine, where many Jews have found a political home, but in the Republican base.



This is just the Leftist response to Jews questioning their commitment to the Democrat party

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On 10/31/2023 at 8:37 PM, Cinga said:


Agreed, the Jews will end up dead is not Scripture based but it is pretty cool they literally get a second chance at everlasting life. You're also correct about Israel becoming a nation once again prior to the Rapture as God promised He would call them home from the north, south, eat and west. Interesting side note to that, Biblical historians wondered how any Jews could come from the south until a tribe in Ethiopia proved to have Hebrew DNA perhaps through Bathsheba some speculate. Sadly, many in Israel are having a hard time accepting there are black Jews.


As for the rest, no, it's not just your televangelists, it's almost every Christian that believes in a Rapture with only the timing of it the question with the majority Pre-Tribulation believers. The other mistake in your thinking is that "God Himself is free to ignore". God is Faithful and is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow and what is Written does not change.


Besides, He wrote the Book, why would He want to change it?

In fact in Malachi 3:6 he writes:  For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.


Would like to point out that the word LORD here is translated to be " the lords system of planting seed and harvest".

Meaning that all we do both positive and negative is planting a harvest for our future. He does not change. We will reap what we sow, in due season.

 Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9). 

Edited by Fansince88
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Deranged Rhino
18 hours ago, 4merper4mer said:

Has this one been discussed?  Seems legit if you ask me.




He (Myers) wound up doing a whole show on this: 



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My wife got us into watching Upload on Prime. If you’re unfamiliar, it’s a comedy set in a future where before you die you can upload your consciousness into a computer program and live forever in a simulated reality. My conspiracy theory is that this isn’t just a comedy, but a test of how receptive people would be to this idea that Bezos came up with by taking his long term business plan and turning it into a tv show script. 

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5 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


He (Myers) wound up doing a whole show on this: 



The other actor could not hold it together at all in that original clip.  They had to leave it in.  I love that scene.

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Deranged Rhino
On 11/6/2023 at 4:13 PM, 4merper4mer said:

The other actor could not hold it together at all in that original clip.  They had to leave it in.  I love that scene.


100% :classic_laugh: It's amazing all around. That movie (Ax Murderer) still works even now. 

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Deranged Rhino



(This was one of Chuck Lorre's Netflix shows  - and it stared Kathy Bates which is hilarious. But it was not canceled because of this scene even if it's a fun story. It was a one and done show from the jump)

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2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

And the other 35% can't breath with their mouths closed 😉 




A follow-up should have been, out of the 65% that think it was a conspiracy, what % thinks the US govt was behind it.


Because if half the US thinks that the US govt would assassinate a US sitting president, that should scare the shit out of people.

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Deranged Rhino
7 minutes ago, Joe Miner said:


A follow-up should have been, out of the 65% that think it was a conspiracy, what % thinks the US govt was behind it.


Because if half the US thinks that the US govt would assassinate a US sitting president, that should scare the shit out of people.


There's zero doubt in my mind that the numbers on that question would be over 50%.


And they're more than likely correct in thinking that way. I've long held this was a coup, and the direct result of America's biggest sin of the 20th Century: Operation Paperclip.


That's the moment when the enemy we invited inside our institutions of power took over from within. Things have been steadily declining ever since on all the fronts that matter, while also following a pretty explicit blueprint for how to destroy the Republic from the inside out.


There were a few exceptions during the ensuing years, but those "good times" only served to prove the rule.

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On 10/22/2023 at 8:50 PM, Foxx said:

This is a very long post with much documentation. I am on my phone so not fully functuonal at the moment, but I will copy the entire post, here, tomorrow.





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Crap Throwing Clavin
31 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:



Calling for a "Manhattan Project" to "reverse engineer UFOs" is a de facto admission that UFOs don't exist, because if they did there would already be such a project.


(Side note: anyone ever notice how, within 10 years of Roswell, the F-4 Phantom II and A-12 predecessor of the SR-71 - quantum leaps in aircraft technology - had their first flights?)

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Crap Throwing Clavin
1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:



"Thousands of years."


Based on what.  Blurry, shaky iPhone videos from ancient Sumeria?  :classic_laugh:

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28 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


"Thousands of years."


Based on what.  Blurry, shaky iPhone videos from ancient Sumeria?  :classic_laugh:

The Vedas, and Sanskrit and Jain texts(?).

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