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12 minutes ago, Cinga said:


Stop it, you're embarrassing yourself now. After taking the time to circle those USSS you didn't notice there is no podium, no flags, no teleprompter yet? @Crap Throwing Clavin has already told you they are at a venue at least a day ahead of their charge and I can confirm that from personal experience

Don't bother responding, as I hope you noticed I don't care enough to answer back



There is news video. You guys all lie. Watch the report the time changes. Don’t tell me otherwise. Liars. You can’t be trusted for anything.

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Posted (edited)

There it’s another one for you Ann you try to tell me that is not trump walking up the ramp to the stage in the video on the lower left. 

No one here got the balls to admit you lied? that’s your hero walking up the ramp.


In the famous words of Jack Nicholson “you can’t handle the truth”!

oh, and you’ll see the flags cinga. Woops I pulled the veil off your eyes, the sun light burned I know, cover them back up!

Edited by Pete
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Crap Throwing Clavin
48 minutes ago, Pete said:

There it’s another one for you Ann you try to tell me that is not trump walking up the ramp to the stage in the video on the lower left. 

No one here got the balls to admit you lied? that’s your hero walking up the ramp.


In the famous words of Jack Nicholson “you can’t handle the truth”!

oh, and you’ll see the flags cinga. Woops I pulled the veil off your eyes, the sun light burned I know, cover them back up!


You are one obsessive little cretin.

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Methinks that the order to shoot a former president, his family, workers, guests, and a Secret Service may not have been SOP.  It also might be that the "we always do that" is not catching on on social media or in the news, so a gag order request.









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Crap Throwing Clavin
2 hours ago, Ann said:

Methinks that the order to shoot a former president, his family, workers, guests, and a Secret Service may not have been SOP.  It also might be that the "we always do that" is not catching on on social media or in the news, so a gag order request.










"Look how responsible we were!  We scheduled the search for when the principal would be away and completely ignorant of it!"


These &#%$ing people...  :facepalm:

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6 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


You're a flat earther, aren't you?


That's who you remind me of.  Same argument style.  Thinks the final arbiter of truth is whatever they found on the internet, but can't discuss the topic themselves because they don't actually know jack shit.

That masks sense since I wasn’t at the rally. I can only get my info from the Internet. Watch there 11:00 news cast, it’s all over the Internet because oddly enough you people are not the only ones trying to spread these same lies. 

trumps team didn’t even expect a big rally, they didn’t even put the stands behind him with all his supporters sitting in them waving their signs. That’s a staple at his larger rallies!

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Crap Throwing Clavin
8 minutes ago, Pete said:

That masks sense since I wasn’t at the rally. I can only get my info from the Internet. Watch there 11:00 news cast, it’s all over the Internet because oddly enough you people are not the only ones trying to spread these same lies. 

trumps team didn’t even expect a big rally, they didn’t even put the stands behind him with all his supporters sitting in them waving their signs. That’s a staple at his larger rallies!


But you don't even recognize the limitations of your information.  You just ram it down everyone else's throat as an incontrovertible truth, and call everyone liars when we criticize your practice.


Again, notice I haven't discussed attendance at all?  Know why?  Because I can't know, I wasn't there, and there's not a single trustworthy source for the numbers.  (Plus, I don't really care.  Rally attendance isn't that important.)




(Which my phone corrected to "TRUMP SUPERANTISPYWARE".  Which is awfully weird.)


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More from good ole Jack Smith:

In a late Fri night/holiday weekend part damage control, part clickbait motion, Jack Smith wants Judge Cannon to prohibit Donald Trump from making "statements that pose a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to law enforcement agents participating in the investigation and prosecution of this case."


His motion, predictably, is filled with distortions, omissions, and misrepresentations. Smith gave short shrift to how 30 FBI agents were instructed to prepare for the 9-hour raid. This is how Smith described the FBI op order:


Smith purposely omitted key details of the order--which, of course, Judge Cannon has.


Smith omitted that agents were instructed to bring "Standard Issue Weapon, Ammo, Handcuffs."


He also omitted that the order instructed agents to have their "Badge and Credentials (concealed)."


Smith left out that agents brought "medium and large sized bolt cutters."



Smith crucially omitted instructions related to how agents should handle Secret Service.


Screenshot shows how Smith described it.


But this is from the FBI op order: Should USSS provide resistance or interfere with FBI timeline or accesses, FBI...will engage with USSS [point of contact.]


And as far as Mar-a-Lago staff, here is what FBI op order included:


"Should MAL Guest Reception be unwilling to provide a list of occupied guest rooms, FBI Search Team will knock on each guest room door to determine occupation status. FBI will request a map, list of rooms and skeleton key/card for all rooms from MAL staff. An FBI [investigator] with lock-picking equipment will be on scene."


Although Smith is correct that the FBI plan indicated Trump's lawyers would be notified before the raid, media reports and congressional testimony indicate that's not what happened.


DOJ brass decided not to notify Evan Corcoran until after the raid began.


Of all the stupid and dirty things Jack Smith's team does, this motion might be the dumbest.


He just opened up not just the opportunity for Trump to disclose more details about the raid and ask for more discovery, Cannon could use this motion to schedule a hearing on the matter--fueling more media coverage and outrage on the Right.



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3 hours ago, Pete said:

No you’re the &#%$en retard! But I’ll tell you what, I read a claim of 156,000 people were there. I’ll give you that even tho the permit was for 3,500. ROTFLMAO!


Anyone who believes there were 156,000 people at a Trump rally are as retarded as somebody that cannot spot the difference between 11AM and 11PM

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30 minutes ago, devnull said:


Anyone who believes there were 156,000 people at a Trump rally are as retarded as somebody that cannot spot the difference between 11AM and 11PM


You have to believe the unhinged left is shitting purple Twinkies about the Bronx rally since they're only ones talking about it two days after the event.


I suspect they're mostly unhinged because they somehow expected that keeping Trump in the courtroom so he couldn't campaign was a good idea.


Trump: "You're going to make me stay in NY? Fine. Let's set up a rally here."


The left:

Triggered feminist  Screaming Liberal


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1 minute ago, Pete said:

You think I couldn’t tell? You really are stupid. I’m in too good a mood tonight to argue with maga. You don’t like it? &#%$ off!


Browse thru my history and quote some examples where i'm "maga"

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According to records in the New York State Board of Elections database, Hochul has sent $689,974.35 to Loren Merchan’s personal home address in Richmond Virginia.

This comes after I also exposed how New York Democrat Congressman @RepDanGoldman has sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to Loren’s house, and as I exposed yesterday, New York Democrat Congressman

@hakeemjeffries, aka Dollar Tree Barrack Hussein Obama, the Democrat House Minority Leader, has sent nearly $1.5 Million to Loren Merchan’s personal home address where she lives with her husband Taylor Harper, who is an employee at @JoeBiden’s  @uscensusbureau.
Isn’t it interesting how so many of the most high profile elected Democrats in New York are clients of Judge Merchan’s daughter, and have sent her millions of dollars in total to her personal residence as opposed to sending the checks to the Authentic Campaigns Headquarter office in Chicago?
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2 hours ago, IDBillzFan said:


You have to believe the unhinged left is shitting purple Twinkies about the Bronx rally since they're only ones talking about it two days after the event.


I suspect they're mostly unhinged because they somehow expected that keeping Trump in the courtroom so he couldn't campaign was a good idea.


Trump: "You're going to make me stay in NY? Fine. Let's set up a rally here."


The left:

Triggered feminist  Screaming Liberal


I havent even had a chance to watch it yet. Agree!

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1 hour ago, Ann said:



Hmmmm....It's almost like he knows what the verdict will be doesn't it?

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32 minutes ago, Pete said:

There not memes there tweets. And when was the last time someone asked Ann about that? She posts way more than I do. She is who I got it from. I don’t discuss anything because it’s all attacks. There is no discussion to be had. Just look at the last 4 pages or so. It was obvious trump wars walking up the stage, you could see the flags and teleprompters, someone asked where there were. It was obvious it was the 11:00 news. Not to re hash all that but that is obvious simple little stuff. It turned into days of crap. You want to have a discussion about something I’m all for it. You would be the first. 

Okay, here we go.


What policies of Trumps did YOU personally not like. Set a character aside.


Let’s go back to that twitter, why did you post it? 

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Comssvet11 said:

Okay, here we go.


What policies of Trumps did YOU personally not like. Set a character aside.


Let’s go back to that twitter, why did you post it? 

Sorry I missed this yesterday.

Going against my better judgement in posting any of this on here. 

i posted the Twitter, the quote about what Anthony S said? I think that would be obvious, the people closest to him don’t think he should be near the whithouse. We can all have our opinions of him but we were never in the room with him.


 Policies? Are they his or are they right wing policies because I’m not totally against them all. He did some dumb stuff like taking babies away from parents, turning a blind eye to COVID when he realized the economy was going downhill and it could cost him the election. Trump got the vaccine, he even got on tv and asked his supporters why they were against it? I think both sides were too extreme about COVID. I know three people that died from it, friends of mine that moved to North Carolina, mother and two sons, and their son in law was sick and in the hospital for months. My cousin was very sick from it and will be dealing with complications from it for the rest of his life. So no I don’t think it was a hoax but the left was crazy to the other extreme. I just tried to take it all in and make the best decisions I could for my family, that was my priority. My brother would call me from Vegas asking me questions bitching about stuff going on around the country, I told him I can only worry about what’s going on in my area. 

other things that go on and people point fingers at like gas prices for example, people need to educate themselves on. To say it’s Biden fault or trump did this and it worked, way too simplistic and lazy arguments.


 Oil first and foremost is a global commodity and economy.

 The us produces the most oil the world

 the US produced the most oil ever in one month under Biden

 the pipe line Biden shut down was never up and running, it has no impact on oil prices because it wasn’t being used, that oil is still coming into the country, just the old way. 
The US produces sweet crude oil, they only refine sour crude, that is all the refineries are set up for. sour crude oil is cheaper we ship that in, sweet crude sells for more, way more, they sell that overseas. 

just because you give an oil company a permit does not mean they are going to dig a well, they are about profit which the are making record profits!


 Those are just a few things I can think of about oil off the top of my head. 

just like oil the stock market is on fire setting records. Why? Many companies are setting records and laughing all the way to the bank! They are gouging us and flying under the radar because everyone is too busy blaming trump or Biden and fighting. 

now I’m no expert on this, I haven’t looked into oil for example in about a year so some stuff might be a bit different now.


 But when I look into oil it’s in investing articles, get away from the politically slanted articles if you want to learn about something. 

but To get back to your question character for me is most of it with trump. I disliked the guy long before he was in politics. People can overlook his character. I can’t, not to mention he is dumb as a stump. I’ve posted most of this before, no need to get into it again. 


 But I kinda want to see him reelected, because the shit show that will ensue will shut people up hopefully and everyone will stop fighting. Dems are a mess next up GOP. Good luck.


do you think gas prices will fall just because trump is president? 


Gas is supply and demand. They fell when he was president because no one was driving! Price per barrel fell below zero. I’ve never seen that before and was wondering how it would play out? Should I go get barrels of oil and store them in my property lol? 

Not to mention when people post pictures of gas below a dollar cars were below $10,000. What do they expect 1.50 gas? LOL 


my buddy just bought a new pick up for $70,000 and it didn’t even have leather seats. I laughed at him. 

again I’m not totally against your policies. the left? I banned myself from talking about them they are so bad! 

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