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6 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


I'll be shocked if this isn't thrown out for lack of standing.


Would seem to be the case.  Should know, but don't, after NYS responds how long should we expect it to take for SCOTUS to decide to throw it out or hear the case?  (And realize you likely have this info more readily available than the DDG or the G word search would take especially with not knowing exactly what the proper query to get that answer would be, which is the reason for the Q.  Not really trying to follow in Sue's footsteps.  😉 )

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On 7/20/2024 at 9:49 PM, Ninety-4 said:

Don, Don, Don....


By now you should understand the speed of government vs the speed of business.

Vs the speed of bullets. 

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Crap Throwing Clavin
1 minute ago, Taro T said:


Would seem to be the case.  Should know, but don't, after NYS responds how long should we expect it to take for SCOTUS to decide to throw it out or hear the case?  (And realize you likely have this info more readily available than the DDG or the G word search would take especially with not knowing exactly what the proper query to get that answer would be, which is the reason for the Q.  Not really trying to follow in Sue's footsteps.  😉 )


I don't have the info readily available.  But I do recall other cases where states sue other states for internal state workings, and they've been thrown out for lack of standing.  Which is not inappropriate under Article IV of the Constitution, either.  I know that if I sat on the Court, I'd throw it out in the absence of clear and conclusive proof - not just suspicion - that this was specifically intended to interfere in an election.


The fact that this seems to have made it as far as SCOTUS demanding a response from NYS has me wondering, though.  

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7 hours ago, Big Blitz said:


I have not seen the real thing. Just the spoofs which were all pretty funny. What did he actually say?

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The Guy In Pants
On 7/23/2024 at 10:15 AM, Nanker said:

What happened?







Perhaps this is more along the lines of the "conspiracy theory" thread but I'll post my thoughts here. 


There are people within the ranks of the gov and the military who are directly involved with what is released on the television for people to receive. Its on their own documents and its beyond hiding at this point. Its a tool. If the tool is useful enough to provide the user with a desired outcome they will use it. I believe the desired outcome is a misled public. A brainwashed, braindead public. A public who uses preprogrammed opinion they are force fed versus a public who utilizes critical thought. A bullied public. A controlled public. 


So; when I see things like this or others, I understand that the change was not because Donald Trump stood for something so egregious that it wore through this persons moral fabric. Oh no. I think it has everything to do with one of or a combination of the following:


A - They only knew him for his money and never really understood his thoughts on America. 

B - They were told you will provide the opinion of Trump we tell you to provide by those who use them as the              propaganda tool they are..

C - They are so far gone that the lies they tell are the lies they truly believe. 

D - They are paid shills on the payroll of some of the most evil people in the world.


Laugh at this if you want to. Not sure how people aren't seeing it. 

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18 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:



Gotta say it like Trump...



Space.  It's big.  You don't know how big this is.  I've been there, it's huge.


The final frontier.  It's where we're going, we'll end up there.


These are the voyages.  It's been quite a trip.  We've been thru so much together, and we've got so much more to do


Of the Starship, Enterprise.  I would have called it the Starship MaraLago.  But you know, I've been involved in many enterprises.  


It's continuing mission.  You know, one of the previous Captains had a 5 year mission that was interrupted.  But he came back, bigger than he was before. 


To explore strange, new worlds.  I've been all across this great land of ours.  Meanwhile Sleepy Joe never left his basement


To see out new life, and new civilizations.  We've made First Contact with people and places that the Democrats Prime Directive forbid others from venturing


To boldly go where no one has gone before.  

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Odd that it was deleted.  Maybe they got fact checked.

Edited by bdutton
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13 minutes ago, Ann said:














Babylon Bee satire is always so close to reality

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1 hour ago, Ann said:


Makes the oval office look boring to be honest. 

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