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12 hours ago, Ann said:

Breaking:  James Biden’s business partner, Michael Lewitt, pulled money belonging to elderly Americans from an investment fund and “transmitted it to Americore, which turned around and paid James Biden. James Biden on the same day cut a check to Joe Biden for the exact same amount as James Biden received from Americore.” Per @GOPoversight transcribed Interview with Carol Fox, U.S. Trustee for Americore’s Chapter 11 proceedings.








Geez, why can't you people understand Joe is a loving family man who loaned money for a car and that money is being paid back in a responsible and loving manner?

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Crap Throwing Clavin
36 minutes ago, Ann said:





Because he's not part of the administration today.


But he will be tomorrow, when they claim executive privilege for him.

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Harvard/Harris Poll: Majority of Democrats Want Hunter Prosecuted for Contempt


...The poll shows that, again, the public has rejected the spin in the media and correctly sees this act for what it was: a federal crime.

Every group is lined up in favor of prosecution:

  • Democrats: 54 percent support
  • Republicans: 89 percent support
  • Independents: 72 percent support...

...Hunter may now have not just created a third threat of incarceration, but placed his father and his administration in the worst of possible positions. ...


...The possibility of a third indictment also can have blowback on his other cases. It shows a continuing contempt for the legal process and a pattern of criminality. It also could be cited as another example of attempting to conceal information from the government. If Hunter faces sentencing on the tax or gun charges, subsequent criminal conduct can make a court less likely to be lenient. ...


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House Republicans Release Hunter Biden Contempt Resolutions


House Republicans on the Oversight and Judiciary Committees released resolutions Monday recommending Hunter Biden be held in contempt of Congress.


House Oversight and Judiciary are advising the House to hold Hunter Biden in contempt for defying congressional subpoenas by failing to show up to a closed-door deposition Dec. 13, according to their resolutions and accompanying reports.


Mr. Biden’s testimony is a critical component of the impeachment inquiry into, among other things, whether Joseph R. Biden, Jr., as Vice President and/or President: (1) took any official action or effected any change in government policy because of money or other things of value provided to himself or his family; (2) abused his office of public trust by providing foreign interests with access to him and his office in exchange for payments to his family or him; or (3) abused his office of public trust by knowingly participating in a scheme to enrich himself or his family by giving foreign interests the impression that they would receive access to him and his office in exchange for payments to his family or him,” the Oversight Committee report reads. House Judiciary’s report contains similar remarks.



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Crap Throwing Clavin
1 hour ago, Hedge said:






Art's portable, and typically expensive.  It's a very good way to launder money and hide illegal transactions.





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