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Taro T
25 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


Anything they get on Kerry still pales in comparison to him actively working against the Trump Administration's foreign policy in cooperation with Iran.  


Nobody ever cares when D's do that during R administrations.  Pelosi was meeting with Assad back during 43's term.  (At least she was actually IN the government at the time; just a different branch of it.)

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Crap Throwing Clavin
Just now, Taro T said:


Nobody ever cares when D's do that during R administrations.  Pelosi was meeting with Assad back during 43's term.  (At least she was actually IN the government at the time; just a different branch of it.)


At least legally she could justify that - as a member of Congress, she had a legitimate claim that her visit was an act of legislative oversight of the executive, and Constitutionally protected.  Sure, it was bullshit, and if the parties were reversed a Republican Congressman under a Democratic administration would be pilloried and possibly* prosecuted.  But it wasn't illegal bullshit.


*Possibly back then.  In today's climate?  If Mike Johnson traveled to Moscow to talk to Putin today, he would almost certainly be prosecuted for treason and violation of the Logan Act.

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Taro T
4 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


At least legally she could justify that - as a member of Congress, she had a legitimate claim that her visit was an act of legislative oversight of the executive, and Constitutionally protected.  Sure, it was bullshit, and if the parties were reversed a Republican Congressman under a Democratic administration would be pilloried and possibly* prosecuted.  But it wasn't illegal bullshit.


*Possibly back then.  In today's climate?  If Mike Johnson traveled to Moscow to talk to Putin today, he would almost certainly be prosecuted for treason and violation of the Logan Act.


Which was the point of the clarification (that apparently wasn't that clear) that Pelosi's junket was different from Kerry's who had no legit justification.


But still hers was attempting to undermine the administration's position.  And nearly nobody gave a rat's rear end about it at the time.

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Crap Throwing Clavin
Just now, Taro T said:


Which was the point of the clarification (that apparently wasn't that clear) that Pelosi's junket was different from Kerry's who had no legit justification.


But it stil was attempting to undermine the administration's position.  And nearly nobody gave a rat's rear end about it at the time.


They cared.  Democrats on the Hill and in the media praised her for pursuing such an open-minded foreign policy.  Some criticized her for not going far enough and visiting Iran too.  


Of course, that was also before the Arab Spring, when Syria fell apart, and she called for Assad's supporters to be held accountable (which she never was).  


Hypocrisy, thy name is "Democrats."

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52 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


"Biden clearly lied."


C'mon...Biden can't clearly say anything.


He does seem to mastered the phrase


Well, anyways...

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Crap Throwing Clavin
15 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Decency is on the ballot! 




His gun?  Or his firearm?



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Law firm that employed Hunter Biden devised secret 58-page plan to help Burisma dodge criminal probe
FBI has known details since 2016 when it seized evidence from the first son’s business partners.


Hunter Biden helped the U.S. law firm that employed him secure a lucrative retainer with Burisma Holdings a decade ago, and its lawyers proceeded to draft a 58-page plan to try to extricate the controversial energy company from an ongoing criminal investigation in Ukraine that relied heavily on trying to influence his father’s administration in Washington, according to evidence gathered by the FBI.




The June 2014 document was not on the Hunter Biden laptop that the FBI seized in 2019, but was in the possession of Hunter Biden’s closest business associate, Devon Archer, who is now cooperating with the House GOP impeachment probe of President Joe Biden.


It provides the most direct and detailed window into how Hunter Biden, his business partners and his fellow lawyers at the Boies Schiller & Flexner law firm intended to build pressure in Washington – from the State Department to Congress – to get Ukrainians to drop their criminal pursuit of Burisma after Hunter Biden and Archer were hired to its board of directors.


At the time, Joe Biden was the sitting vice president and was put in charge by President Barack Obama of US-Ukraine policy.


The memo identified several targets that the Burisma legal campaign hoped to contact in Washington, including Amos Hochstein, a longtime adviser to Joe Biden when he was vice president. Hochstein continues to work for Biden as president.


A major goal of the plan, the memo stated, was to “meet with the U.S. officials in Washington, DC who are leading U.S. policy related to Ukraine to brief them on who Burisma is, its significance to the future of Ukraine, and the Investigation in order to seek their advice and assistance; focus on why a legal challenge and/or a taking of Burisma's licenses is detrimental to both U.S. and Ukrainian national interests.”



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10 hours ago, Nanker said:




That's Patrick Gunnels. He's been at this a long time as a blogger you can catch on Rumble Badlands Media. Think he has a show at 9 and is sometimes on Bandlands Daily at 10. 

Checking through this looks like he is reading someone report which he does a lot of and is really someone to follow with stuff like this

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4 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Decency is on the ballot! 




She couldn't bear to see the naked picture of Joe on the laptop, I can sympathize with that.... 

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