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2024 Election Season

Crap Throwing Clavin

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Crap Throwing Clavin
8 minutes ago, Taro T said:


Realize you said it's only a wish, but come on, there is no way in heck that we get either side to present a straight forward, factual, unemotional statement about ANYTHING.


Double dumb ass on you is both campaigns' go to.


I know...but I'm kind-of an idealist at heart.  Is it to much to ask to have an adult campaign for president, just once this century?


EDIT: scratch that.  It's not even about having an adult as a candidate.  It's about having anyone who understands how to deliver a statement.

Edited by Crap Throwing Clavin
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4 minutes ago, Ann said:



30 second ad of frail Biden clips followed by clips of Kamala talking about what great shape Biden is in.


What else has she been lying about for 3 years...

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Crap Throwing Clavin
39 minutes ago, Ann said:




They're doing everything in their power to decide who to replace Biden with...


...except...y'know...deciding at the party convention.


Another reason I will never vote Democrat: they are the MOST undemocratic people in the nation.

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41 minutes ago, Ann said:

I'd argue this would destroy privacy at the ballot. How long before someone from the government tracks people down for voting "wrong"?


I thought ballots already had serial numbers.

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27 minutes ago, B-Man said:






This is about 2028 for Gavin. Keeping Joe on means Joe loses and there's no DNC incumbent or VP for him to battle in the primaries. 


He wants Biden to run, and lose, so the road is clear for his own run (which, he'll still lose because his own state hates him, but that's never stopped a weapon's grade narcissist from running for president before...)

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