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Crap Throwing Clavin

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Deranged Rhino
1 minute ago, JoshAllen said:


You seem unaware of how dismissive your tone comes across.

No, I’m very aware and you deserve every bit of it. 

And ANOTHER dodge. Still can’t answer the question(s) posed to you. I wonder why?? 

&#%$ off, asshat. 

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2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Note: according to the man of principles and the lover of our democratic institutions - the biggest sin the GOP has committed is a bunch of…. (Checks notes): non politicians, most of whom had never been republicans, trespassing in a federal building (90% peacefully)….

And NOT:


* Lying to the world about WMD in Iraq and launching 20+ years of endless war, costing 3 trillion (on a credit card), and killing MILLIONS in the process.

(who cares about dead people when a building was violated!!!)

* Lying to the American people about the illegal surveillance of US citizens (in violation of the 4th amendment) for almost a DECADE before Snowden forced them to come clean. 

(who cares about a tyrannical government shredding the Bill of Rights and an unchecked intelligence community running over innocent Americans - people walked through Congress when they weren’t supposed to!!!)


* Jamming the Patriot Act down a grieving nation’s throat, stripping away fundamental rights and constitutional protections - while engorging the Executive over that of the other two branches of government. 

(who cares about ripping up the constitution and checks and balances, people yelled at cops in the capitol!!!)


* Not for helping the outgoing Obama administration undercut the peaceful transition of power (with RussiaGate) in order to disenfranchise millions of voters because the GOP didn’t like tho they voted for. 

(who cares about a back door coup and four years of endless gaslighting, people sat in Pelosi’s chair!!!!)

He was FINE with all the blood, lies, and usurpation of power at the expense of our democratic norms, traditions, and institutions… none of that even registered. 


But the moment the TV told him an incident that lasted under two hours, had no firearms or death (except for the Trump supporter who got shot of course) was worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor combined he became traumatized and scared - making THAT his line in the sand. 

There’s dumb. Then there’s whatever this is. I’d say it’s fellating the establishment in order to virtue signal that he’s a good little serf. But we all know it’s just trolling. 

It’s thinking like this that got us into this mess and deserves to be ridiculed and mocked at every turn. 


I understand. We can't change the past, but it's a fact that Trump's presence polarizes people on both sides of the political spectrum, and this divisive atmosphere isn't sustainable for our society.

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Deranged Rhino
8 minutes ago, JoshAllen said:


I understand. We can't change the past, but it's a fact that Trump's presence polarizes people on both sides of the political spectrum, and this divisive atmosphere isn't sustainable for our society.

You dishonest twat. That’s another dodge. That post is questioning why Trump being “divisive” is a bigger sin TO YOU than any of those other events. Hell, why is J6th a bigger sin? 

You had no problem with millions dead? No problems with the shredding of our civil liberties and the foundational documents of our republic? Funny, because in your first posts that’s what you claimed to care most about. 

But the truth is either 1) you care only about what the TV tells you to care about because you’re an NPC who wouldn’t know where to feed himself if his mouth didn’t flap so much, or 2) you’re trolling and are as TERRIBLE at it with your new account as you were in your last. 

And while you try to dodge answering this DIRECT questions - because you are allergic to being real and/or intelligent -why don’t you explain something else. Share why you, a “conservative”, find Trump so “divisive” to the point where you’re voting for a progressive liberal to “protect our democratic institutions”?

Then you can answer me what is more divisive, Trump or the identity politics pushed for the past 15 years that have, by design, turned citizens against one another? Was it Trump who foisted CRT and new-age Marxism on our political discourse, or was it the establishment who benefits from a divided country? 

There’s only one honest answer to that - let’s see if you’re man enough to say it or if you’ll dodge again. 

(There’s literally NO doubt which you’ll do)

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7 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

You dishonest twat. That’s another dodge. That post is questioning why Trump being “divisive” is a bigger sin TO YOU than any of those other events. Hell, why is J6th a bigger sin? 

You had no problem with millions dead? No problems with the shredding of our civil liberties and the foundational documents of our republic? Funny, because in your first posts that’s what you claimed to care most about. 

But the truth is either 1) you care only about what the TV tells you to care about because you’re an NPC who wouldn’t know where to feed himself if his mouth didn’t flap so much, or 2) you’re trolling and are as TERRIBLE at it with your new account as you were in your last. 

And while you try to dodge answering this DIRECT questions - because you are allergic to being real and/or intelligent -why don’t you explain something else. Share why you, a “conservative”, find Trump so “divisive” to the point where you’re voting for a progressive liberal to “protect our democratic institutions”?

Then you can answer me what is more divisive, Trump or the identity politics pushed for the past 15 years that have, by design, turned citizens against one another? Was it Trump who foisted CRT and new-age Marxism on our political discourse, or was it the establishment who benefits from a divided country? 

There’s only one honest answer to that - let’s see if you’re man enough to say it or if you’ll dodge again. 

(There’s literally NO doubt which you’ll do)


I was already told here that Trump isn't a conservative and that he never sold himself as one.


I am a conservative.


And that's the key difference.


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Deranged Rhino
3 minutes ago, JoshAllen said:


I was already told here that Trump isn't a conservative and that he never sold himself as one.


I am a conservative.


And that's the key difference.



&#%$ing twat, another dodge. You earned this. 


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38 minutes ago, JoshAllen said:


I understand. We can't change the past, but it's a fact that Trump's presence polarizes people on both sides of the political spectrum, and this divisive atmosphere isn't sustainable for our society.

The totalitarian Left is the source of divisiveness. Unless they have all the power, there will always be polarization. Trump's unforgivable sin was forcing them to engage in increasingly desperate fraudulent acts to maintain control. The minute anything goes against their tyrannous imperatives, they riot, stuff the ballot boxes, destroy the border, imprison and prosecute political foes, and threaten to eradicate the electoral college, pack the Supreme Court, and make Puerto Rico the fifty-first state. But by all means, let's blame Trump.


American Pravda buries the misdeeds of the regime, gaslights, creates false narratives, and the thoroughly feckless toadies who pretend to be advocates for science and the "adults in the room"nod their heads and ask for more. The very folks who have turned the world into a playground for thugs and terrorists, whilst ignoring the widespread suffering of their own citizens chastise those who don't go along with the dirty game. 


When folks complain about Trump and MAGA, what they really mean is we should all be happy minions of the surveillance state. Look at what is happening in the UK and Canada. Folks are being put in prison for waving a flag, posting a dissenting meme, provoking tears from those who aggressively persecute their enemies with the prestige of victimhood.


But keep at it. Your kind of sanctimonious dim is very popular in other, dumber parts. Indeed, those places already practice censorship and cancelling of views they don't like, erasing posts and banning with that special, cavalier enthusiasm so characteristic of infantile fascists who fancy themselves a higher class of individual. Say hi to Simon over ATOP.

Edited by dr. who
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27 minutes ago, dr. who said:

The totalitarian Left is the source of divisiveness. Unless they have all the power, there will always be polarization. Trump's unforgivable sin was forcing them to engage in increasingly desperate fraudulent acts to maintain control. The minute anything goes against their tyrannous imperatives, they riot, stuff the ballot boxes, destroy the border, imprison and prosecute political foes, and threaten to eradicate the electoral college, pack the Supreme Court, and make Puerto Rico the fifty-first state. But by all means, let's blame Trump.


The Constitution lays out how a constitutional amendment would eliminate the Electoral College. Increasing the Supreme Court requires Congressional legislation. And here's a new one for you: adding Puerto Rico as a state also requires Congressional approval.


I criticize Trump because he's not a conservative and he can't win elections.


27 minutes ago, dr. who said:

American Pravda buries the misdeeds of the regime, gaslights, creates false narratives, and the thoroughly feckless toadies who pretend to be advocates for science and the "adults in the room"nod their heads and ask for more. The very folks who have turned the world into a playground for thugs and terrorists, whilst ignoring the widespread suffering of their own citizens chastise those who don't go along with the dirty game. 


When folks complain about Trump and MAGA, what they really mean is we should all be happy minions of the surveillance state. Look at what is happening in the UK and Canada. Folks are being put in prison for waving a flag, posting a dissenting meme, provoking tears from those who aggressively persecute their enemies with the prestige of victimhood.


Don't you just love the "free speech" crowd?





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5 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

They’re trying to get ahead of the blowout that’s coming…


The Four Reasons Harris is Losing


The first is Harris herself. She is simply not a very good candidate. She lacks confidence and is seemingly terrified to take any unrehearsed or unvetted policy questions.”




I don’t understand. What blowback?

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36 minutes ago, Ann said:






Seeing the crowd there was estimated at over 100,000. Which really isn't that surprising as it's his only CA rally, at a huge venue, in a state that he pulled in over 6 million votes in 2020 (the most R votes of any state, which a lot of people seem to forget, as it's drowned out by twice as many wackos).

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Saying Trump is polarizing is not accurate. The majority of America have not liked any of the people running government for a long time. They also realized that the media creates the tickets each election. If your job is to report the News unbiasedly, why do they feel the need to endorse a candidate?


Prior to 2016, Trump was a celebrity. He was in all the social circles. He stepped out of those circles and the media/political regime didn't like that. He knew their dirty secrets. It was the media that created the polarization. Trump knew that candidates like Mitt Romney, John McCain, Obama, Clintons and the Bushes were more of the same and keeping status quo. When John McCain made Sarah Palin his running mate, the media attacked because she was not one of them. Amazing, just think about how they treat Tampon Tim as compared to Sarah Palin. That's all the proof you need to see who created the polarization.

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