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2024 Election Season

Crap Throwing Clavin

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Deranged Rhino
45 minutes ago, Nanker said:





It's hilarious to see the hoops normies or NPCS jump through to validate what the TV told them about the 2020 election. 

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Deranged Rhino
6 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


It's hilarious to see the hoops normies or NPCS jump through to validate what the TV told them about the 2020 election. 


Pete and the NPC crowd: "That doesn't count as cheating, that was an honest mistake by 51 crooked intelligence officers, and their media lapdogs that unintentionally influenced a large swath of voters!"

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4 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:



When I see the blatant bullshit these degenerates put out, I've all but convinced myself they're ready to steal another one.

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Crap Throwing Clavin
8 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Pete and the NPC crowd: "That doesn't count as cheating, that was an honest mistake by 51 crooked intelligence officers, and their media lapdogs that unintentionally influenced a large swath of voters!"


If Trump is facing more than a century of prison time for the "election interference" related fraud of paying a tabloid to not run a story about him banging a stripper...how much time are the perpetrators of this indisputably election-interference-related fraud getting?  :classic_dry:

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Deranged Rhino
4 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


If Trump is facing more than a century of prison time for the "election interference" related fraud of paying a tabloid to not run a story about him banging a stripper...how much time are the perpetrators of this indisputably election-interference-related fraud getting?  :classic_dry:


It's exactly that line of thought that makes me want to believe an actual reckoning is on the horizon. I'm not sure it is, but the pieces are being arranged on the chessboard in such a way that it makes it difficult to completely discount. 


When I still talked to people inside 45's DOJ circle, there were more than a few that told me Trump's/Barr's decision not to go after the RussiaGate scammers inside the IC, DOJ, and current/former administrations was not because they didn't think the cases were strong enough, but because they feared "the pump wasn't primed" for the public to accept the charges - even with concrete evidence to support it.


I disagreed with them then - I didn't think they were wrong about what the public's initial response would be, I just thought it shouldn't matter. A crime is a crime, a coup is a coup, and I thought the People would get on board eventually once enough time passed for the anger and shock to subside. 


I'm fairly certain that was overly optimistic on my part now. 


But those same people who told me that were the same people pushing the idea (echoed in those controversial drops) that what needed to happen was for Biden/the Left to be the ones to break the "no prosecuting former presidents" taboo in order to make it possible for the public to get on board. Their reasoning was the left needed to be the ones to set the precedent - because that way the media and all the establishment attack dogs and figure heads would be boxed in by their own reporting on how good it was to "get Trump".  


I thought that was crazy then. And still do now... pointing out the hypocrisy of the left has never worked for the right because it requires the left to have a sense of shame - which they do not. But maybe, just maybe, it took four years of Biden's blatant hypocrisy, avarice, and overreaching to open the eyes of those not held hostage by leftist ideologies and break the spell the establishment media has cast upon them over the years. Millions of people, whether they admit it publicly or not, are not comfortable with what Biden's DOJ has done - not because they don't loathe Trump, they do, but because they are aware enough to know the evidence is flimsy at best to set us down this dangerous path. 


What happens when those same people are confronted by overwhelming evidence of not just political corruption and kickback schemes - but the type of criminality usually reserved for Bond villains? 


Maybe we'll find out in about 229 days... 

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Crap Throwing Clavin
1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


It's exactly that line of thought that makes me want to believe an actual reckoning is on the horizon. I'm not sure it is, but the pieces are being arranged on the chessboard in such a way that it makes it difficult to completely discount. 


When I still talked to people inside 45's DOJ circle, there were more than a few that told me Trump's/Barr's decision not to go after the RussiaGate scammers inside the IC, DOJ, and current/former administrations was not because they didn't think the cases were strong enough, but because they feared "the pump wasn't primed" for the public to accept the charges - even with concrete evidence to support it.


I disagreed with them then - I didn't think they were wrong about what the public's initial response would be, I just thought it shouldn't matter. A crime is a crime, a coup is a coup, and I thought the People would get on board eventually once enough time passed for the anger and shock to subside. 


I'm fairly certain that was overly optimistic on my part now. 


But those same people who told me that were the same people pushing the idea (echoed in those controversial drops) that what needed to happen was for Biden/the Left to be the ones to break the "no prosecuting former presidents" taboo in order to make it possible for the public to get on board. Their reasoning was the left needed to be the ones to set the precedent - because that way the media and all the establishment attack dogs and figure heads would be boxed in by their own reporting on how good it was to "get Trump".  


I thought that was crazy then. And still do now... pointing out the hypocrisy of the left has never worked for the right because it requires the left to have a sense of shame - which they do not. But maybe, just maybe, it took four years of Biden's blatant hypocrisy, avarice, and overreaching to open the eyes of those not held hostage by leftist ideologies and break the spell the establishment media has cast upon them over the years. Millions of people, whether they admit it publicly or not, are not comfortable with what Biden's DOJ has done - not because they don't loathe Trump, they do, but because they are aware enough to know the evidence is flimsy at best to set us down this dangerous path. 


What happens when those same people are confronted by overwhelming evidence of not just political corruption and kickback schemes - but the type of criminality usually reserved for Bond villains? 


Maybe we'll find out in about 229 days... 


We'll find out in 229 days that the left has a firm lock on election results, and isn't giving up power.

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Crap Throwing Clavin
3 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:



He'll be fine after they get 120% voter turnout in Atlanta.

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Crap Throwing Clavin
2 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:



Amazing.  Immigration wasn't a problem under Trump's strict policies, so everyone voted against his strict policies, and now it's a problem.


Who'd of thunk it?

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Deranged Rhino
3 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


Amazing.  Immigration wasn't a problem under Trump's strict policies, so everyone voted against his strict policies, and now it's a problem.


Who'd of thunk it?


Not just that his policies were "strict" - they were" RACIST!/WHITE SUPREMICIST!/KIDS IN CAGES!" according to the media 24/7. And when anyone brought up the horrors of human trafficking and why children are separated from their "parents" during crossings - they were labeled "conspiracy theorists/Nazis/MAGA/Q-followers" and shunned. 


Even when people would report what they were seeing and hearing with their own eyes and ears along the border. 



... But media conditioning isn't a real thing. 😉 :beer: 

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Crap Throwing Clavin
38 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Not just that his policies were "strict" - they were" RACIST!/WHITE SUPREMICIST!/KIDS IN CAGES!" according to the media 24/7. And when anyone brought up the horrors of human trafficking and why children are separated from their "parents" during crossings - they were labeled "conspiracy theorists/Nazis/MAGA/Q-followers" and shunned. 


Even when people would report what they were seeing and hearing with their own eyes and ears along the border. 



... But media conditioning isn't a real thing. 😉 :beer: 


I was peripherally involved in a couple of the investigations, and some of my own family accuse me of lying.


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41 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

... But media conditioning isn't a real thing. 😉 :beer: 


Biggest megaphone. Still undefeated.

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1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Not just that his policies were "strict" - they were" RACIST!/WHITE SUPREMICIST!/KIDS IN CAGES!" according to the media 24/7. And when anyone brought up the horrors of human trafficking and why children are separated from their "parents" during crossings - they were labeled "conspiracy theorists/Nazis/MAGA/Q-followers" and shunned. 


Even when people would report what they were seeing and hearing with their own eyes and ears along the border. 



... But media conditioning isn't a real thing. 😉 :beer: 

lol that was the best psy-op ever


i imagine it was some group of never Trumpers making something silly to gain cult following only to alienate and provide a visible enemy for their own base.


whatever it was. ... el oh el...Q.

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2 hours ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


how much time are the perpetrators of this indisputably election-interference-related fraud getting?  :classic_dry:


They are getting plenty of time on MSNBC

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2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

When I still talked to people inside 45's DOJ circle, there were more than a few that told me Trump's/Barr's decision not to go after the RussiaGate scammers inside the IC, DOJ, and current/former administrations was not because they didn't think the cases were strong enough, but because they feared "the pump wasn't primed" for the public to accept the charges - even with concrete evidence to support it.


I firmly believe that they were simply waiting for a second term.  COVID wrecked their plan.




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Deranged Rhino
1 minute ago, snafu said:


I firmly believe that they were simply waiting for a second term.  COVID wrecked their plan.





That was my read in the moment at the time - they could have run through them in his second term without having to worry about a re-election. 

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