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2024 Election Season

Crap Throwing Clavin

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Deranged Rhino

Whoa - yeah. Biden's cooked. The cheat is going to have to be blatant or they'll have to create a black swan event so big that no one cares about the election outcome. 



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16 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Whoa - yeah. Biden's cooked. The cheat is going to have to be blatant or they'll have to create a black swan event so big that no one cares about the election outcome. 


They are acting like they cannot lose. 


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Crap Throwing Clavin
5 minutes ago, Ann said:

They are acting like they cannot lose. 



They can't.  The cheat will be blatant, and irreversible.

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Deranged Rhino
3 minutes ago, Ann said:

They are acting like they cannot lose. 



really REALLY hope it's just runaway hubris. They've been able to wield the biggest microphone to stop any meaningful opposition for so long - even in 2020 after the cracks started to show in 2016 - that they are convinced it'll work again. 


But so many more people are on to their playbook and tactics now, even compared to 2020 or 2016. The audiences for the establishment outlets in both print and broadcast have never been smaller, and even the ones who are watching are doing so more aware than ever that they're choosing their own echo chambers rather than seeing the media as unbiased and largely fair in their coverage. 


Pride goes before the fall...


But I'm a Bills fan so I'm an optimist. 🙂 

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Taro T
2 minutes ago, Ann said:

They are acting like they cannot lose. 



Well, knowing that if 45 becomes 47, they're ALL going to at minimum have charges brought against them, have to believe the "establishment" is playing for keeps this time around.


Don't know how they're going to do it, whether it be keeping 45 off the ballot in enough states that 46 "beats him legitimately" or if they count literally millions of ballots that don't have clean chains of custody associated with them, or they simply assassinate him; but really don't see them letting him win.  The stakes are too high for them personally.  And not 1 of these MFers come across as somebody that would put country over self.

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Crap Throwing Clavin
25 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

[...] they'll have to create a black swan event so big that no one cares about the election outcome. 



Massacre Congress in session on Jan 6.


Election results can't be certified, transfer of power can't be made, a branch of the government eliminated.  Executive has to declare a "temporary" state of emergency while the Constitutional Crisis is sorted out.  And MAGA Republicans will be framed for it and arrested for treason and terrorism.


Yes, I've been giving this some thought.  This would work regardless of the election outcome.

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Crap Throwing Clavin
9 minutes ago, Taro T said:


Well, knowing that if 45 becomes 47, they're ALL going to at minimum have charges brought against them, have to believe the "establishment" is playing for keeps this time around.


Don't know how they're going to do it, whether it be keeping 45 off the ballot in enough states that 46 "beats him legitimately" or if they count literally millions of ballots that don't have clean chains of custody associated with them, or they simply assassinate him; but really don't see them letting him win.  The stakes are too high for them personally.  And not 1 of these MFers come across as somebody that would put country over self.


I'm sure they'll try to kill him.


I have this conversation occasionally with people who scream "Trump is literally Hitler!"  I point out the left is going to try to kill him...


"Oh no, they'd never do that."


"Really?  But you say Trump is literally Hitler.  So...you're saying that if someone has the chance to kill Hitler, they shouldn't?  Just tell me...do you support killing Hitler, or not?"


Progressives will come around to the idea that yes, they should probably kill Trump to save the world.  "Trump is Hitler" is so deeply rooted in their self-identity that they can't possibly conclude otherwise.

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14 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


They can't.  The cheat will be blatant, and irreversible.

With crowds like this, 100M votes is inevitable. 


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Crap Throwing Clavin
2 minutes ago, Ann said:

With crowds like this, 100M votes is inevitable. 



As though "crowds" and "counted votes" have anything to do with each other.

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2 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


I'm sure they'll try to kill him.

I've been saying this for years.

Gonna be interesting to see them try and keep the SS out of prison. Hopefully, the SC will keep Trump out of prison ala Robert McDonnell while that NYS show trial is appealed. 

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Crap Throwing Clavin
Just now, Ann said:

I've been saying this for years.

Gonna be interesting to see them try and keep the SS out of prison. Hopefully, the SC will keep Trump out of prison ala Robert McDonnell while that NYS show trial is appealed. 


I just want to get this out right now:


Trump, like Epstein, didn't kill himself.

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Just now, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


As though "crowds" and "counted votes" have anything to do with each other.

Last time, they hid Biden and blamed it on Covid.  And those 81M votes - while ridiculous to those dialed in - were explainable to the casual observer. This time? I don't see how they can do it and make it believable, although I expect them to try. And what happens when it is not believable? 

Trump needs an assignation insurance VP. 

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Taro T
4 minutes ago, Ann said:

Last time, they hid Biden and blamed it on Covid.  And those 81M votes - while ridiculous to those dialed in - were explainable to the casual observer. This time? I don't see how they can do it and make it believable, although I expect them to try. And what happens when it is not believable? 

Trump needs an assignation insurance VP. 


Short of Grennell or your Congress Critter, IS there anyone that the establishment would fear remotely as much as they fear 45?



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Deranged Rhino
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Taro T said:


Short of Grennell or your Congress Critter, IS there anyone that the establishment would fear remotely as much as they fear 45?




Musk - but he'd never do it/can't do it?


Or Devin Nunes.

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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2 hours ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


Massacre Congress in session on Jan 6.


Election results can't be certified, transfer of power can't be made, a branch of the government eliminated.  Executive has to declare a "temporary" state of emergency while the Constitutional Crisis is sorted out.  And MAGA Republicans will be framed for it and arrested for treason and terrorism.


Yes, I've been giving this some thought.  This would work regardless of the election outcome.

Wow. What a movie that would be. Who is the lead? John Krasinski? 

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15 hours ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


Massacre Congress in session on Jan 6.


Election results can't be certified, transfer of power can't be made, a branch of the government eliminated.  Executive has to declare a "temporary" state of emergency while the Constitutional Crisis is sorted out.  And MAGA Republicans will be framed for it and arrested for treason and terrorism.


Yes, I've been giving this some thought.  This would work regardless of the election outcome.

you'd not need a bunch. and to be clear to anyone thinking this is beyond a thought exercise... you're wrong. and if you think this is something more than just dialogue on what it would take then you are a my little pony lover and the person reading this in court has poop in their pants right now while the prosecutor enjoys pleasuring himself or herself to tacoporn.


anyway...just have some madman go in there and threaten them, a little spicier than jan 6 and it'd be enough to make people tremble...after what the Dems made of the nonsense last time they'd be smart to simply impose martial law at the smallest of threats to gain more power.


it won't take anything after round 1 Jan 6 for dems to do more.

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If true, and Rubio or Donalds is picked, Trump needs to set up residency in another state. 
If true, none are real assignation insurance .. maybe Donalds or Vance.
If true, Ben Carson is too nice. 


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Gavin in Va Beach
1 hour ago, Ann said:

If true, and Rubio or Donalds is picked, Trump needs to set up residency in another state. 
If true, none are real assignation insurance .. maybe Donalds or Vance.
If true, Ben Carson is too nice. 



I like them where they are. I want Tulsi Gabbard. She could have sold her soul and become a Democrat star for years, with an easy path to the Whitehouse likely. When she started calling out the Obama administration on their bullshit she became persona non grata. Publicly announced leaving the Democratic party to become independent. She's a military vet, she's got balls and repeatedly speaks out against illegal immigration, wokeness, and the danger of extremist Islam. 

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