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2024 Election Season

Crap Throwing Clavin

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57 minutes ago, RochesterRob said:

  I know or have known many people in my nearly 60 years of life.  I know of people here in NY that live like mountain men.  Quite a number that I know brag that they have no television.  I know of a few that want to turn the clock back 150 years.  Most of them are extremely xenophobic.  All of this may be outside of your social circle but not mine.  All that aside a fair number of people sense that these are not ordinary times politically.  

  By the way most people who make up the Democrat party would be more comfortable manipulating data than stalking Trump but there are a few who would stalk Trump.  

i know plenty of these people and have for quite a long time. i am 42 i think and in my 42 years, especially since taking over the farm and working with other farmers where the average age is 59.5 statewide and 63 countywide i have seen quite a bit. 


going up to the mountains, going into the small towns - the niche spots - are already 150 years ago. they're unaffected by most social changes, do not recognize most progressive activities, and do not even get too far outside of their own county.


those men you talk about are not the ones who will go on the offensive. these men we know are ones who will sit upon their foundations and not be moved. only if the issue comes to them will they take any concern and in most cases they simply find ways to adapt because for most cases there is no need to die upon the hill of a small injustice.


these folks are being bred out by the population, being ignored by the ones in power by design - the small town folks want to be left alone and prefer to be ignored so they can deal with their own problems.


the only problems that are touching them on a national level, at least here are the drug epidemic (which is 45 years running) and the illegal immiggrant problem/homeless problems. and for that it is only a problem if they're causing trouble and it isn't for long because they deal with it through their own countryboy ways.

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2 minutes ago, Boyst said:

i know plenty of these people and have for quite a long time. i am 42 i think and in my 42 years, especially since taking over the farm and working with other farmers where the average age is 59.5 statewide and 63 countywide i have seen quite a bit. 


going up to the mountains, going into the small towns - the niche spots - are already 150 years ago. they're unaffected by most social changes, do not recognize most progressive activities, and do not even get too far outside of their own county.


those men you talk about are not the ones who will go on the offensive. these men we know are ones who will sit upon their foundations and not be moved. only if the issue comes to them will they take any concern and in most cases they simply find ways to adapt because for most cases there is no need to die upon the hill of a small injustice.


these folks are being bred out by the population, being ignored by the ones in power by design - the small town folks want to be left alone and prefer to be ignored so they can deal with their own problems.


the only problems that are touching them on a national level, at least here are the drug epidemic (which is 45 years running) and the illegal immiggrant problem/homeless problems. and for that it is only a problem if they're causing trouble and it isn't for long because they deal with it through their own countryboy ways.

  That is your view and may very well be true from your vantage point.  As far as being bred out I do not see that happening.  A vast majority of these people are English Protestant descended and are having kids (more than a couple) with women of the same background.  It was not all that many years ago that one family disowned a member for marrying an Italian (American).  These people do not recognize the Act of Union from 1707 so do not call them British.  Archie Bunker would be a very good representation of most of them complete with the hysterical anger when they do not get their way.  

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27 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


And what did I say?  "Counted."  Voter rolls aren't even close to being relevant to how the votes are counted. 


Democracy's too important to be left to the voters' choice.

Trump won Ohio in 2016 and 2020. I suppose things could change in 2024, but doubtful.

I also think GA is gonna play it straight this time considering the microscope they have been under and the changes that have been put in place to oversee Fulton County.

PA?  There is going to be massive cheating. Will it be enough? 

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23 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Even McCain knows... 





4.5 months is an eternity.





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Deranged Rhino
6 minutes ago, snafu said:



4.5 months is an eternity.






It is for sure. But he's outpacing where he was at this point in both 16 and 20. By a lot. It's crazy.

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Crap Throwing Clavin
40 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


It is for sure. But he's outpacing where he was at this point in both 16 and 20. By a lot. It's crazy.


It says a lot about how far Democrats have moved left that so much of America is willing to say "An overgrown adolescent cheetoh dust golem represents me better than Democrats do."


And Democrats think everyone else is the problem.  :facepalm:

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Gavin in Va Beach
4 hours ago, Ann said:

Trump won Ohio in 2016 and 2020. I suppose things could change in 2024, but doubtful.

I also think GA is gonna play it straight this time considering the microscope they have been under and the changes that have been put in place to oversee Fulton County.

PA?  There is going to be massive cheating. Will it be enough? 


The danger for them is that Trump does so well that to generate all the fake votes for Biden (or whoever is running) will need them to go beyond the realm of possibility and look way to obvious, creating a shitstorm they cannot control. It's like 2016, we know they generated fake votes for Hilary but they underestimated how many they needed. That's why Hilary could never really accept it.

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4 hours ago, snafu said:



4.5 months is an eternity.






Yes, but precisely what do you think could possibly change the current trajectory between now and then?


MAYBE two things can do it: announcing immediate and genuine spending cuts for the rest of the year in hopes of breaking the inflation issue (assuming that would work fast enough) and line the military along the entire border with Mexico to immediately stem the flow of illegals, while flying out as many as you flew in.


The Biden team, unfortunately for leftists, believes the pathway to change the trajectory is to cancel student debt, announce an EO that does nothing at the border, remind everyone that they put a cap on insulin and bounced-check fees, and insist that everything is better than your lying eyes would believe.


They'll still win, because all these illegals will be 'eligible' to vote, and I would not be surprised if the left overcompensated so badly that the entire vote count exceeds the actual number of eligible voters.


Except for the cheat, Biden is screwed.



Edited by IDBillzFan
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Crap Throwing Clavin
2 hours ago, Gavin in Va Beach said:


The danger for them is that Trump does so well that to generate all the fake votes for Biden (or whoever is running) will need them to go beyond the realm of possibility and look way to obvious, creating a shitstorm they cannot control. It's like 2016, we know they generated fake votes for Hilary but they underestimated how many they needed. That's why Hilary could never really accept it.


Did you hear today that every video of Biden's incapacity is a deep fake?


I don't think they give a shit, at this point, how it looks.

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10 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


Did you hear today that every video of Biden's incapacity is a deep fake?


I don't think they give a shit, at this point, how it looks.

  I don't think that the Democrats care about making the polling look close at this point.  There is too much money going through DC for the Ukraine war among other things.  Many people there have billions of dollars riding on Biden's return to the White House.

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Deranged Rhino
3 minutes ago, RochesterRob said:

  I don't think that the Democrats care about making the polling look close at this point.  There is too much money going through DC for the Ukraine war among other things.  Many people there have billions of dollars riding on Biden's return to the White House.


There's spin going on right now laying out how the Biden gang is too invested in his second term to turn back, even though they know how doomed they are:


I heard a national podcast yesterday where a noted guest from national media seem to HINT/SUGGEST that there was a design behind this move.


There have been rumors that Obama's folks - maybe even himself -- have nudged Biden to back out of the race because of his growing infirmity. But Biden folks -- led by Dr. Jill -- still hold resentment over the way Biden was treated as VP and were not having any part of the effort. Too many from Biden-World over the past 40 years have their careers tied up in him being POTUS for another term.


So the theory put forth is that this was by design - a gesture, supposedly inadvertent, that sends the message to his own side that Biden is simply too old and infirm, and will lead to a coalescing around the need to push him out if he won't go willingly.

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13 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


There's spin going on right now laying out how the Biden gang is too invested in his second term to turn back, even though they know how doomed they are:


I heard a national podcast yesterday where a noted guest from national media seem to HINT/SUGGEST that there was a design behind this move.


There have been rumors that Obama's folks - maybe even himself -- have nudged Biden to back out of the race because of his growing infirmity. But Biden folks -- led by Dr. Jill -- still hold resentment over the way Biden was treated as VP and were not having any part of the effort. Too many from Biden-World over the past 40 years have their careers tied up in him being POTUS for another term.


So the theory put forth is that this was by design - a gesture, supposedly inadvertent, that sends the message to his own side that Biden is simply too old and infirm, and will lead to a coalescing around the need to push him out if he won't go willingly.

  I could see something straight out of the 1970's The Six Million Dollar Man where somebody gets plastic surgery to look just like Biden to take the Democrats into 2025.  

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My theory is that they will pay off the big guy to publicly confess that the 2020 election WAS rigged and that Trump WAS rightfully elected President of the United States and therefore he is ineligible to run for a third term. 

They could be their Hail Mary with 8 seconds to go in the 4th quarter. 

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3 hours ago, Ann said:

Unless someone is manufacturing votes, there is no need.  







Speaking of Virginia, I'm hoping Biden does a few rallies for Tim Kaine because I really want to hear Biden talk about hung cows.

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5 minutes ago, devnull said:


Speaking of Virginia, I'm hoping Biden does a few rallies for Tim Kaine because I really want to hear Biden talk about hung cows.

my daily search of the board of one of these terms above finallyn nets good results.

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