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2024 Election Season

Crap Throwing Clavin

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20 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


Resulting in Trump supporters storming the Capitol...this time resulting in violence to suppress the sedition.  Which is just what Democrats want.

i cna't believe people don't see this play.  the democrats are win/win right now.

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Deranged Rhino
6 minutes ago, Boyst said:

i cna't believe people don't see this play.  the democrats are win/win right now.


I can't believe people still can't see the old tricks and machines aren't working like they used to - because we've broken them. They can't control reality like they once did. They think they still can, but all the chaos and turmoil we are witnessing around the world is precisely due to the fact they've lost their grip on the wheel of power. 


This isn't 2016. It isn't 2020. And it certainly isn't 2001 anymore. The establishment's political class is dying on the vine, overcooked in the sun due to their own hubris, greed, and inability to let go.

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35 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


I can't believe people still can't see the old tricks and machines aren't working like they used to - because we've broken them. They can't control reality like they once did. They think they still can, but all the chaos and turmoil we are witnessing around the world is precisely due to the fact they've lost their grip on the wheel of power. 


This isn't 2016. It isn't 2020. And it certainly isn't 2001 anymore. The establishment's political class is dying on the vine, overcooked in the sun due to their own hubris, greed, and inability to let go.

So when Trump loses, because as youve said, the machines wont cheat or anything like that.... And the controlling party remains controlling through less than honorably known means ... There won't be protests? The left is actively encouraging violence (AGAIN) and you don't think they want to force the hand to bite them?

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1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:


I can't believe people still can't see the old tricks and machines aren't working like they used to - because we've broken them. They can't control reality like they once did. They think they still can, but all the chaos and turmoil we are witnessing around the world is precisely due to the fact they've lost their grip on the wheel of power. 


This isn't 2016. It isn't 2020. And it certainly isn't 2001 anymore. The establishment's political class is dying on the vine, overcooked in the sun due to their own hubris, greed, and inability to let go.


Personally don't particularly like Musk, but am moving towards it, but how much different would the world SEEM if Dorsey was still running Twitter.


It really was huge; his buying it & letting people actually speak (reasonably) freely.

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Flubbed debate turns into $27M bonanza for Biden-Harris campaign
The campaign previously said the single best hour of fundraising came immediately after Biden's debate against Trump




The campaign also noted Friday that 11 p.m. to 12 p.m. on Thursday – the first hour after the debate – was the single best hour of fundraising since the campaign's launch in April 2023.



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Deranged Rhino
1 hour ago, Boyst said:

So when Trump loses, because as youve said, the machines wont cheat or anything like that.... 


I never said they won't cheat. I said it won't matter this time. The margins will be too big and any &#%$ery will be obvious to the point that if they do cheat and actually claim victory, we won't have a Republic the next morning. 


That's how close to the edge we are. I know you don't think most people will care enough to be bothered, but you're wrong. It's not those people who will act and force things to a head - it's likely not even Americans who will do it. 


1 hour ago, Boyst said:

 And the controlling party remains controlling through less than honorably known means 


What controlling party? Who cares about parties? The DNC and GOP aren't different. They're the same in all but name. Parties are moot. We're talking about the true power, the establishment and its unelected minions who've infested nearly every level of every federal agency or department and burrowed in like ticks.


They're the ones calling the shots, the parties are just for show. They're the ones who need to be defeated. They're the ones who will try to cheat. They're the ones who will try to incite violence. They're the ones who will do anything to cling to the power they've created for themselves these past 25 years.


1 hour ago, Boyst said:

 There won't be protests? 


I never said there won't be protests, extreme even. I never said the establishment wouldn't try to find another Covid like event to delay, stall, or cancel the election either. I never said anything close to that. In fact I've said to expect those types of moves.


What I said was even if/when they try it, it won't work this time in terms of getting the normal people back in line. They're seeing through the veil more than ever before - and the debate just underlined that. Any overcorrections by the establishment (and overcorrections are really all they have left in their toolbox at this point) will only expose the ruse even more to the normies.


And at that point, the normies won't have a choice about whether or not to get involved. Even if they sit out, it won't matter. They'll get dragged in because the fight will be at their door if they live within a five mile radius of any metro area.


1 hour ago, Boyst said:

 The left is actively encouraging violence (AGAIN) and you don't think they want to force the hand to bite them?


I've never said that either. 


All I've said is Trump is going to win. And it's not going to be particularly close baring a black swan type event in the next 140 days.


That doesn't mean they won't steal it - or try to. But the reaction won't be what we saw in 2020. They won't be able to flip a switch in the media and create wholesale lies and fictions about what's happening and why to keep themselves in power.


It's a very different, and much more dangerous world today than it was in even 2020.

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Deranged Rhino


This is my point - this would have worked on the normies 4 years ago. 


Not now. Not after what they've seen with everything from C19 to the economy/inflation to the media gaslighting about Joe's mental condition. It's not just the right wing parts of Twitter calling this out now. It's a ton of non political types who would have usually tuned into the news a few weeks before the election to make up their minds about a candidate. 

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23 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


This is my point - this would have worked on the normies 4 years ago. 


Not now. Not after what they've seen with everything from C19 to the economy/inflation to the media gaslighting about Joe's mental condition. It's not just the right wing parts of Twitter calling this out now. It's a ton of non political types who would have usually tuned into the news a few weeks before the election to make up their minds about a candidate. 

This time, the messaging is on the Republican side: 'Biden has dementia and is not fit for office.' And everyone saw that was true (apparently 80 million people across networks and platforms!)

The Democrats have tried to control the message: 'Trump is a felon.'  It did not work because people have seen it for what it is, political persecution. It went against America's sense of fair play.  Black and Hispanic men in particular have come to consider Trump (a billionaire in his 70s!) one of them.  

Now, to see if that translates in November. 

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Crap Throwing Clavin
1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:


This is my point - this would have worked on the normies 4 years ago. 


Not now. Not after what they've seen with everything from C19 to the economy/inflation to the media gaslighting about Joe's mental condition. It's not just the right wing parts of Twitter calling this out now. It's a ton of non political types who would have usually tuned into the news a few weeks before the election to make up their minds about a candidate. 


"Hey, here's a hypothetical: what if Trump did something that wasn't a criminal act, so immunity didn't apply, then pardoned the officials under him not protected by presidential immunity who weren't responsible for the act that wasn't criminal?"


Do these &#%$ing nutballs listen to themselves?  :facepalm:

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52 minutes ago, Ann said:

This time, the messaging is on the Republican side: 'Biden has dementia and is not fit for office.' And everyone saw that was true (apparently 80 million people across networks and platforms!)

The Democrats have tried to control the message: 'Trump is a felon.'  It did not work because people have seen it for what it is, political persecution. It went against America's sense of fair play.  Black and Hispanic men in particular have come to consider Trump (a billionaire in his 70s!) one of them.  

Now, to see if that translates in November. 


Thus the near universal SCREAMING from the left leaning media that 45 was CONSTANTLY lying in the debate.  Yes, 46 has tapioca inside his cranium but at least he doesn't LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Crap Throwing Clavin
3 minutes ago, Taro T said:


Thus the near universal SCREAMING from the left leaning media that 45 was CONSTANTLY lying in the debate.  Yes, 46 has tapioca inside his cranium but at least he doesn't LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Doesn't lie" isn't a positive in this case anyway.  Tough to lie when you don't know what you're saying and can't form a complete sentence.  

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13 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


"Doesn't lie" isn't a positive in this case anyway.  Tough to lie when you don't know what you're saying and can't form a complete sentence.  




But it does seem to be the one thing that tests well in focus groups.

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Crap Throwing Clavin
10 minutes ago, Taro T said:




But it does seem to be the one thing that tests well in focus groups.


Because the focus groups understand what's most critical in our national leadership: no mean tweets.


2024 America is the stupidest America.

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