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2024 Election Season

Crap Throwing Clavin

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14 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


I never said they won't cheat. I said it won't matter this time. The margins will be too big and any &#%$ery will be obvious to the point that if they do cheat and actually claim victory, we won't have a Republic the next morning. 


That's how close to the edge we are. I know you don't think most people will care enough to be bothered, but you're wrong. It's not those people who will act and force things to a head - it's likely not even Americans who will do it. 



What controlling party? Who cares about parties? The DNC and GOP aren't different. They're the same in all but name. Parties are moot. We're talking about the true power, the establishment and its unelected minions who've infested nearly every level of every federal agency or department and burrowed in like ticks.


They're the ones calling the shots, the parties are just for show. They're the ones who need to be defeated. They're the ones who will try to cheat. They're the ones who will try to incite violence. They're the ones who will do anything to cling to the power they've created for themselves these past 25 years.



I never said there won't be protests, extreme even. I never said the establishment wouldn't try to find another Covid like event to delay, stall, or cancel the election either. I never said anything close to that. In fact I've said to expect those types of moves.


What I said was even if/when they try it, it won't work this time in terms of getting the normal people back in line. They're seeing through the veil more than ever before - and the debate just underlined that. Any overcorrections by the establishment (and overcorrections are really all they have left in their toolbox at this point) will only expose the ruse even more to the normies.


And at that point, the normies won't have a choice about whether or not to get involved. Even if they sit out, it won't matter. They'll get dragged in because the fight will be at their door if they live within a five mile radius of any metro area.



I've never said that either. 


All I've said is Trump is going to win. And it's not going to be particularly close baring a black swan type event in the next 140 days.


That doesn't mean they won't steal it - or try to. But the reaction won't be what we saw in 2020. They won't be able to flip a switch in the media and create wholesale lies and fictions about what's happening and why to keep themselves in power.


It's a very different, and much more dangerous world today than it was in even 2020.

i 100% respect your opinion but i also think you're overthinking it. no one can let Trump win and at all costs they will make sure he is defeated to the point that even if he wins he won't take office (in the traditional sense of a president to serve his term).

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They have 29 days to make a change before OH ballots get printed. And if they don't replace Joe by then, or try to do so after, the DNC doesn't get on the ticket at all, even down ticket (from Baris) in OH. 


Clock's ticking and Joe's people have dug their heels in.  

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Gee. I wonder how he learned that lesson? Maybe, just maybe, it was the fact that he offered an olive branch when he came into office to the Obamas and Clintons - and they not only rejected it, they set it on fire and launched a four year palace coup, hijacking the national media and dividing the country to its most divided levels since the 1860s.


Funny how that works. 

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Crap Throwing Clavin
21 minutes ago, Ann said:




And point of note: while this should be illegal under at least two, and maybe three, laws...Biden now has unqualified immunity for this, as a policy decision related to the Voter Rights Act.


See how that works, you whiny-ass ignorant Democrats?

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