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Israel Has Declared a State of War


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Robs House
4 hours ago, Cinga said:


I think you might want to check and rethink your sources. Further down that page "Suppressed News has this claiming it is translated wrong




But here is google translate, looks to be pretty accurate to me




I thought I qualified that sufficiently. I wasn't vouching for the source, but mainly linking his post for the picture. 

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Robs House
36 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


Nazi Germany never employed women as soldiers.


Clearly, they weren't a degenerate society.


I'd tell you this is a fallacy of the converse, but somehow I think you already know that.

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52 minutes ago, Robs House said:


That's not my position at all. It's not about giving Hamas the benefit of the doubt. As it pertains to Hamas it's a distinction without a difference. Whether the claims of rape are true, and whether they attacked civilians or military targets is irrelevant, as it pertains to Hamas. Regardless of how I may feel about Israel, I don't deny its right to kill the people who attacked them. I hope that's clear, because this point seems to be lost on everyone.

So if the people who attacked them hide behind the population, what solution do you support ?


52 minutes ago, Robs House said:


What I don't like is being lied to. And I don't like emotional manipulation. I didn't like it after 9/11 when we were manipulated into wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, I don't like it when leftists pimp out the corpses of dead kids to manipulate us into relinquishing our gun rights, and I don't like it when a foreign country plays on our sympathies to manipulate us into supporting and funding whatever you want to call this humanitarian catastrophe they're undertaking in Gaza.

I didn’t know a country that was attacked severely and simply showing what happened as lying for sympathy.


52 minutes ago, Robs House said:


It seems incredulous to me that anyone could doubt that Israel is clearly using gut level revulsion to gain as much support for its military offensive as possible. To Tom's point, are we to assume that Israel is acting differently from every country in modern history who is waging war? Every country casts itself as the victim by the most persuasive means it can muster. Atrocity porn is a very effective method, as is evidenced by the reactions of otherwise reasonable people in this thread. It makes it easy to blur the lines between the perpetrators and the innocents who live among them.


Now, just as I see no reason to give Hamas the benefit of the doubt, I also see no reason to give Israel the benefit of the doubt. As I mentioned earlier, we know for a fact they have intentionally lied about atrocities such as babies being beheaded and baked. We all know why they circulated those stories. If they'll lie about that they'll lie about anything. 


You keep stating that they lied about what actually happened.  There are documented reports that have been validated and would be considered gruesome without even looking at what simply was unverified reporting .  Reporters going overboard without confirmation.  Say it ain’t so.  Never seen that before. 


52 minutes ago, Robs House said:


Further, I'm not taking the word of Hamas for anything. There's no real dispute about the level of carnage in Gaza. Their may be some squabbling at the margins, but unlike October 7, there are more than a handful of images and videos of the death and destruction that's taking place. The evidence is overwhelming. I don't have to take the word of an Israeli loyalist who was hand-picked to view the secret atrocity video, then wrote a summary that was still largely inconsistent with the media narrative. I tune out discussions about hard numbers and how many of the dead are combatants vs civilians because it's not plausible that anyone has reliable numbers. The statements and reports coming out of Israel itself reinforce what my eyes tell me is going on.

Israeli loyalist ? 😂😂😂 

52 minutes ago, Robs House said:



All that aside, I wouldn't support Israel regardless of its conflict with Gaza or Hamas. Going back to its inception, there is little I find favorable about Israel. The founding of their state is a story of subversion, betrayal, and brutality. The sanitized history we're taught in the West is betrayed by the contemporaneous accounts of the founders of the Zionist movement in their own words. I don't have any particular connection to or affection for the Palestinian people, but as a wise man once said: people don't have a strong sense of justice, but they have a strong sense of injustice; and the treatment of these people over the last century has been manifestly unjust.

So after all that, you don’t support simply because you have an issue with how it’s founded.  Which parts do you have an issue with ?

52 minutes ago, Robs House said:


But even putting all that aside and looking strictly from the viewpoint of U.S. interests, I still have no use for Israel. The myth of our "greatest ally" is a tale that has been crafted and fed to us for so long that it has become ingrained in our national DNA, but it, in my estimation, is baseless. I see Israel as a parasitic state that sucks off our resources, buys off our politicians, drags us into its conflicts, and exploits our generosity. 

Which conflict has Israel dragged the United States into?


52 minutes ago, Robs House said:


I've posed the question many times, what makes Israel our greatest ally, and I have yet to receive much of an answer. I can run down things the U.S. has done in support of Israel all day, but I can't come up with much of anything they've done for us. I can, however, think of several things they've done that one would be expected of an enemy rather than an ally. There are many conspiracy theories that are floating around that seem reasonably plausible, but putting those aside, just off the top of my head I can think of a handful of examples of Israel's betrayal of the U.S. that are not in dispute, and have been inexplicably memory-holed.


One could point to all the times that Israeli troops have fought along side our troops since 9/11, but there are none. We spent trillions of dollars, thousands of lives of American troops, not to mention the 10s of thousands wounded, in an effort to topple Iraq for the benefit of Israel, and what did we get in return? Nothing.


Huh ? What ?

52 minutes ago, Robs House said:



On top of that, I don't care for the internal politics or culture of Israel. Domestically they're overwhelmingly left-wing, aside from their decidedly right-wing immigration policy (an ethno-state for me, but not for thee), which is their business and I wouldn't otherwise care, but I don't know why I'm supposed to feel a deep spiritual kinship to a bunch of rainbow flag waving, abortion on demand supporting, gender-affirming, woke commies. 

So I guess you don’t feel like most of Europe and Canada are allies as well?

52 minutes ago, Robs House said:


It does also rub me the wrong way when they are permitted to send their lobbyists to buy off our politicians, especially when they're given the special treatment of not having to register as foreign agents like every other country, or that AIPAC brags that 95% of the U.S. candidates they back win their elections. They flaunt it in our faces and we say "right on."


As far as the protests go, I don't give a shit about commies on college campuses supporting the current thing, but it does bother me when so-called "conservatives" throw the first amendment out the window faster than a black lesbian running an ivy league DEI department, only to stop "Anti-Semitism" on college campuses. Curiously, none of these people have given a shit about pre-genocidal anti-White talk, that makes radio Rwanda look tame by comparison, that's permeated college campuses for over a decade, but God forbid a Jewish student feel "unsafe" and all of a sudden it's time to bring on the speech codes and safe spaces. I can't help but do a double take when the cops who got on a knee for anti-White, anti-American protests bring the &#%$ing hammer down on Anti-Israeli protests. It bothers me even more when the House passes absurd speech code laws to "combat anti-Semitism," in which "anti-Semitism" is defined, among other things, as criticizing Israeli foreign policy, suggesting Jews have disproportionate control over corporate media, or that Jews killed Jesus.


And the cherry on top, and maybe this ire should be reserved for my fellow "conservatives" rather than the Israelis and their Zionist supporters, but I absolutely detest the way the woke right mimics the woke left with regards to this issue. If you have a problem with Israel buying off your politicians, or Jewish interest groups like the ADL, SPLC, HIAS, etc., supporting every woke, left-wing, anti-white, anti-American policy and narrative coming down the pike, or billions of dollars going to fund the carpet bombing of impoverished kids in a war zone their parents and grandparents were dumped in as they were being forced out of their ancestral homes to make room for these so-called "settlers," it's not because you have any principled opposition to any of this, you're just "anti-Semitic." Apparently, if Hindus, pagans, or whoever the &#%$ else did it we'd be fine and dandy, but it's only a problem because of some irrational hatred of Jews. It's no different from the tired leftist bit by which anyone who doesn't support BLM, black culture, and all the woke bullshit that goes with that, it's not because you have a problem with the glorification of violence, degeneracy, and baseless double-standards, you're just "racist." Same shit, different virtue-pet.


My principles are consistent, they don't go whichever way the Republican wind blows. Like Martin King said, I'm not judging the Israelis by the size of their noses, but by the content of their National character.

The reality is that you have no principles. 


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Crap Throwing Clavin
1 minute ago, IDBillzFan said:


Somebody dropped a big crate, sounds like.


I'm mildly surprised this abortion hasn't been mortared by Hamas yet.  Probably because it's not fully operational yet.

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3 hours ago, Robs House said:

So in light of all that, if someone could give me a rational explanation as to why I'm off base and Israel deserves my deference, much less my support, I'm all ears, but so far I find the arguments unpersuasive.


Israel's Law of Return at least rids the US of some pedophiles who would probably never face justice here anyway, aside from that, they give Islamic extremists a punching bag in their own backyard, instead of deploying more resources against the US homeland/interests (but does the aid provided by the US eclipse the security that could be gained by spending it going after terrorists that do attempt to target the US? ...probably not). I do agree that Israel is only our "friend" in order to get (and extort) money/aid/protection (much like most any other country that's considered a US ally). 


Personally, I don't care one way or another about Israel. I'm watching my own country fall apart more and more on a daily basis, our borders cease to exist while our politicians care about the borders of Israel/Ukraine/Taiwan, and American citizens rights and concerns becoming 2nd class vs illegal aliens. I wouldn't give so much as a moldy ham sandwich in foreign aid to anyone until we fix our problems at home (which includes our gabillion dollar national debt). 


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Robs House
59 minutes ago, Hedge said:


Israel's Law of Return at least rids the US of some pedophiles who would probably never face justice here anyway, aside from that, they give Islamic extremists a punching bag in their own backyard, instead of deploying more resources against the US homeland/interests (but does the aid provided by the US eclipse the security that could be gained by spending it going after terrorists that do attempt to target the US? ...probably not). I do agree that Israel is only our "friend" in order to get (and extort) money/aid/protection (much like most any other country that's considered a US ally). 


Personally, I don't care one way or another about Israel. I'm watching my own country fall apart more and more on a daily basis, our borders cease to exist while our politicians care about the borders of Israel/Ukraine/Taiwan, and American citizens rights and concerns becoming 2nd class vs illegal aliens. I wouldn't give so much as a moldy ham sandwich in foreign aid to anyone until we fix our problems at home (which includes our gabillion dollar national debt). 



That's honestly the best argument I've heard. Better to have the pedos there than here.

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1 hour ago, Hedge said:


Israel's Law of Return at least rids the US of some pedophiles who would probably never face justice here anyway, aside from that, they give Islamic extremists a punching bag in their own backyard, instead of deploying more resources against the US homeland/interests (but does the aid provided by the US eclipse the security that could be gained by spending it going after terrorists that do attempt to target the US? ...probably not). I do agree that Israel is only our "friend" in order to get (and extort) money/aid/protection (much like most any other country that's considered a US ally). 


Personally, I don't care one way or another about Israel. I'm watching my own country fall apart more and more on a daily basis, our borders cease to exist while our politicians care about the borders of Israel/Ukraine/Taiwan, and American citizens rights and concerns becoming 2nd class vs illegal aliens. I wouldn't give so much as a moldy ham sandwich in foreign aid to anyone until we fix our problems at home (which includes our gabillion dollar national debt). 


Which pedos?

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Robs House said:


That's honestly the best argument I've heard. Better to have the pedos there than here.

So let me get this straight.  You don’t know beyond a reasonable doubt if any women were raped on October 7th but apparently, a bunch of American pedos are making Aliyah based on…?

Edited by Nouseforaname
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8 minutes ago, Nouseforaname said:

So let me get this straight.  You don’t know beyond a reasonable doubt if any women were raped on October 7th but apparently, a bunch of American pedos are making Aliyah based on…?

Regarding this point and the back and fourth of the past 3+ pages as to whether or not these poor girls were raped or not.


Its kind of a ridiculous mole hill to plant your flags on.  Either way.  Because its quite clear that regardless of proof of rape, thousands were murdered including entire families, women children, elderly.  Lots of evidence of that happening.  Sure, its possible and even likely that these girls were raped but we don't have definitive proof.  Lets just say that these mother &#%$ing Hamas animals need to be exterminated.  Agreed?

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1 minute ago, bdutton said:

Regarding this point and the back and fourth of the past 3+ pages as to whether or not these poor girls were raped or not.


It’s kind of a ridiculous mole hill to plant your flags on.  Either way.  Because it’s quite clear that regardless of proof of rape, thousands were murdered including entire families, women children, elderly.  Lots of evidence of that happening.  Sure, it’s possible and even likely that these girls were raped but we don't have definitive proof.  Let’sthjust say that these mother &#%$ing Hamas animals need to be exterminated.  Agreed?

There is evidence from what I recall but either way, you won’t get any objection with removing Hamas from the face of the earth.

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The recipe on how to make bad, worse.




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9 minutes ago, Hedge said:

The recipe on how to make bad, worse.





As long as Hamas and PIJ run the Gaza Strip all rebuilding efforts will fail.


But hey it's an election year.

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Crap Throwing Clavin
13 hours ago, Hedge said:

The recipe on how to make bad, worse.





11 minutes ago, Hedge said:




I honestly never thought I'd see Israel become a pariah state in my lifetime.  But we're almost there.


I wonder if the ICC is going to take as firm a stance against genocide when the Arab states and Palestinians overrun the Levant and kill all the Jews?

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30 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:



I honestly never thought I'd see Israel become a pariah state in my lifetime.  But we're almost there.


I wonder if the ICC is going to take as firm a stance against genocide when the Arab states and Palestinians overrun the Levant and kill all the Jews?


They can try but will probably fail because Jews control the world... remember?

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54 minutes ago, Hedge said:




Good luck with that since they have even less enforcement power than our own SCOTUS does if a corrupt dictator wannabe POTUS doesn't want to listen


42 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:



I honestly never thought I'd see Israel become a pariah state in my lifetime.  But we're almost there.


I wonder if the ICC is going to take as firm a stance against genocide when the Arab states and Palestinians overrun the Levant and kill all the Jews?


You left out Gog and Magog who will be there to help them but the rest is going to happen


11 minutes ago, Nouseforaname said:


They can try but will probably fail because Jews control the world... remember?


It will fail because God says it will fail

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