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‘23 The Aftermath - Chiefs @ Bills- Divisional Round


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9 minutes ago, expos4ever said:

As an Expos fan from year one in 1969 (I am 65), I, like Bills fans, know disappointment. I used to go to up to 30 games a year. Never bought a foam finger.


As for Taylor, while I consider myself to be a relatively rational person not inclined to emotional excess, there is something about her in particular that really annoys the **** out of me.


To you Bills fans who are feeling pretty downtrodden right now, remember that at least you still have a team to root for next year. When the Washington Nationals (where the Expos moved in case you did not know) won the World Series exactly 50 years after the Expos began, I practically vomited in disgusted. So much for being rational.



Plus they did it with Anthony Rendon.

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1 hour ago, expos4ever said:

As an Expos fan from year one in 1969 (I am 65), I, like Bills fans, know disappointment. I used to go to up to 30 games a year. Never bought a foam finger.


As for Taylor, while I consider myself to be a relatively rational person not inclined to emotional excess, there is something about her in particular that really annoys the **** out of me.


To you Bills fans who are feeling pretty downtrodden right now, remember that at least you still have a team to root for next year. When the Washington Nationals (where the Expos moved in case you did not know) won the World Series exactly 50 years after the Expos began, I practically vomited in disgusted. So much for being rational.

And in '94 the one year you looked like world beaters  the strike said, "NOPE!" I feel for ya.

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The Guy In Pants

Few things.


First; Diggs can blame himself for that drop. Catch that and the game is different.


Second; a depleted, broken and worn out defense gave this team the chances it needed.


Third; McDermott made some stupid decisions. I think I am over his tenure here. Seems to be a reoccurring thing. I don't care why he chose to do a fake punt like that. Fact of the matter is they sucked at it and it had zero chance. 


Fourth; Tyler Bass couldn't have chosen a worse way to miss a field goal. Wide right? What the &#%$.


Fifth; The penalties again came at pivotal moments in the game and favored KC. Not surprised. The more this drags on the more I am convinced the NFL is scripted. Take the Douglas whiff on Mahomes. There is no way he got psyched out that bad by a skipping Mahomes.  No way in hell. I Digress.


Final; I do not know what Brady and Allen were doing on that last drive but it was absolute shit. I am absolutely tired of their being completely fine of putting everything on the kicker. Get the 6 &#%$ing points and stop playing conservative in areas you shouldn't be and stop being stupid in parts of the field you shouldn't be. 


It will be nice to have my Sundays back. All of this is making it easier to not care whether I watch a game or not. Maybe one day I can walk away for good. The more this turns into the Young and the Restless meet the WWE the easier it will be. 


&#%$ Travis "Gronks Little Left Testicle" Kelce, Circle Jerk Refs, NFL script writers, Vegas, Patrick "Bundle my Butthole" Mahomes, Andy "Big Red Buffet" Reid, Taylor "Bone In" Swift, Roger "Just the Tip" Goodell and the Bills for never getting it done. 


Now that I've vented; who we drafting? 🤣

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Blessed Believer

After sleeping on the final drive….I no longer blame Bass for his miss. 

I believe they would have lost anyhow. KC having the ball with 1:45 to go and 2 timeouts....Bills only stopped them once all game. Mahomes, Patcheko, Kelce, and Rice would have willed it……like they always do.....Bills defense was tired and broken down....plus they have an automatic kicker in Butker. So, Bills would have lost on a last second FG instead...even worse for the circulatory system.  

Bills needed to get another first down, let KC use up their two time outs, and hopefully score a TD, not tie it with a Bass FG. Unfortunately, those last two passes got them no yards, no timeouts used, and no more chances. 



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I think this game proved to me that it’s not healthy being a fan of this team.  It causes me more pain than happiness.  And I def don’t want this for my daughter.  

I need to step away for a bit

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Blessed Believer
1 minute ago, Virgil said:

I think this game proved to me that it’s not healthy being a fan of this team.  It causes me more pain than happiness.  And I def don’t want this for my daughter.  

I need to step away for a bit

I don’t know about more pain….Bills won a lot of games, almost two times more wins than losses. Plus, the games are pretty exciting, win or lose. As I’ve gotten older, winning has not become the end all….effort has. And the Bills, playing with half their defense out or injured played valiantly against the great Mahomes,Kelce, and Co. Not to mention watching the great Allen, Cook and Co matching them play for play. Regretfully, their kicker is an automatic….ours isn’t. Oh well….time to upgrade and time to heal. 

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The fan base deserves better. This team needs a sports psychiatrist to figure out why they constantly hit a wall in playoffs and can’t finish the job. Sure defense did not apply enough pressure. Let’s not forget letting kelce free on that touchdown. Blown coverage. Sherfield and Diggs drop. The ball was in your hand how about do your job and catch it. Fake punt wow can’t believe that. Then 2 and 9 you just need to get first down. No need to get greedy. Injuries sure but that happens to all teams in this league the coaching staff has figure to make it work with what staff they have. Also, how about beane not blowing up cap money on a washed up pass rusher in von and just add youth and depth to linebacker and pass rusher. Money would have better spent their IMO. Oh yeah how about d-line show up and apply pressure to help the linebackers out? Where were you big Ed, Rousseau, jones, Floyd, epenesa when needed? Also,IMO there needs to be changes this make up of the team has hit their ceiling. Allen will 28 next year time is ticking. This game was at home no way should have come out with loss

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9 hours ago, Dubs said:

yes, Josh should have taken the underneath. You said it was McD’s fault. That’s crazy. 


During the patriots game iirc, it was 3rd and 1 in the fourth quarter and bills needed to move the chains to not give the ball back to the patriots.


Josh lined up in a shotgun, McD calls a timeout and they go for a sneak.


In the post game, McD stated that he wanted to make sure that the correct play was called.  

That should tell you everything about that last drive.

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9 hours ago, expos4ever said:

First, let me say that I have been only been a Bills fan for about 7 years. Not sure why I latched onto the Bills, but I generally support teams that have not won a championship (and Buffalo is relatively close to Montreal where I live). Most, if not all, of you know more about the intricacies of the game than I do so I will not comment on any key plays. Even though I am a new fan, I was really disappointed with this loss and all the more so for fans who have suffered disappointment for decades.


I suspect some of you will react negatively to this but, at the end of the day, this is just a game. I really get into rooting for the Bills and so I really do feel bad they lost and I totally get that the football "gods" seem to have it in for the Bills. But let me suggest that, like in life more generally, luck plays a much bigger role than we think - we want to blame someone when things do not go our way, but often, I suggest, luck plays a pretty big role in determining the outcome. Perhaps there was an untimely gust of wind that blew that kick wide right (I know, I said I was not going to comment on specific plays). There are 32 teams and only 1 team's fan will not experience disappointment.


Given that they were 6-6, they really did have a great run. I confess that I find it particularly galling to lose to the Chiefs in particular (like the rest of you, if I see one more shot of Taylor Swift, I am going to eat my young). Try to think of it this way - when the Bills finally do win a championship, and they obviously will at some point, it will all the sweeter.

Hello, from Montreal as well.  Grew up watching the expos.

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3 hours ago, The Guy In Pants said:

 Maybe one day I can walk away for good.

You won't. It is a sickness. 😛 

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1 hour ago, Blessed Believer said:

After sleeping on the final drive….I no longer blame Bass for his miss. 

I believe they would have lost anyhow. KC having the ball with 1:45 to go and 2 timeouts....Bills only stopped them once all game. Mahomes, Patcheko, Kelce, and Rice would have willed it……like they always do.....Bills defense was tired and broken down....plus they have an automatic kicker in Butker. So, Bills would have lost on a last second FG instead...even worse for the circulatory system.  

Bills needed to get another first down, let KC use up their two time outs, and hopefully score a TD, not tie it with a Bass FG. Unfortunately, those last two passes got them no yards, no timeouts used, and no more chances. 



You are not alone. I doubt the defense holds Mahomes out of the end zone with 1:47 and two time outs (maybe with a turnover), and as you said, even if they did, they'd have been close enough to have kicked a FG with no time left if they didn't score a TD.

KC changed their run defense at the half, and it really helped them and hurt the Bills. And that stunk. 

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1 hour ago, Rochesterny said:

The fan base deserves better. This team needs a sports psychiatrist to figure out why they constantly hit a wall in playoffs and can’t finish the job. Sure defense did not apply enough pressure. Let’s not forget letting kelce free on that touchdown. Blown coverage. Sherfield and Diggs drop. The ball was in your hand how about do your job and catch it. Fake punt wow can’t believe that. Then 2 and 9 you just need to get first down. No need to get greedy. Injuries sure but that happens to all teams in this league the coaching staff has figure to make it work with what staff they have. Also, how about beane not blowing up cap money on a washed up pass rusher in von and just add youth and depth to linebacker and pass rusher. Money would have better spent their IMO. Oh yeah how about d-line show up and apply pressure to help the linebackers out? Where were you big Ed, Rousseau, jones, Floyd, epenesa when needed? Also,IMO there needs to be changes this make up of the team has hit their ceiling. Allen will 28 next year time is ticking. This game was at home no way should have come out with loss

As far as Von... he was playing all pro before his injury. They went all-in after being "this close" in the AFCCG. Unfortunately, he got hurt. I hope he comes back to form next year, but I doubt it. They could cut him and eat the cap, but that may not be worth it. I don't know the answer to that one.


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1 hour ago, Rochesterny said:

The fan base deserves better. This team needs a sports psychiatrist to figure out why they constantly hit a wall in playoffs and can’t finish the job. 

Interesting observation. It is in the very narure of sports that fallible human beings are placed in exceedingly high pressure situations where everything comes down to one moment (e.g,, the Bass kick). I don't know about the rest of you, but my job (basically an engineer / tech writer) is not like that at all - there is never a situation where what I do in the next 10 seconds matters one way or the other. Imagine the pressure these athletes are under - their entire reputation, and the hopes of perhaps millions of fans turns on whether you make that kick. That's a lot of pressure.


You may reply that professional athletes are paid and trained to perform under pressure. Well, maybe. But I am not sure any amount of training can prepare you for such psychological pressure - it is a very unnatural situation. Think of Scott Norwood and Bill Buckner - they will always be remembered for one single instant where they arguably were not able to deal with the pressure of the moment.


It is easy to simply assume that the Chiefs are "in the Bill's heads", or that the football gods have it in for the BIlls. I would still bet that pure bad luck and a strong opponent is probably the issue (despite what I have just written about dealing with high-pressure situations in sports): if the BIlls were to lose 7 or 8 times in a row to the Chiefs in the playoffs, then I think we could say "they are in our heads". But there have only been 3 such losses, I believe - not a statistically significant sample in my humble opinion.

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13 minutes ago, expos4ever said:

Interesting observation. It is in the very narure of sports that fallible human beings are placed in exceedingly high pressure situations where everything comes down to one moment (e.g,, the Bass kick). I don't know about the rest of you, but my job (basically an engineer / tech writer) is not like that at all - there is never a situation where what I do in the next 10 seconds matters one way or the other. Imagine the pressure these athletes are under - their entire reputation, and the hopes of perhaps millions of fans turns on whether you make that kick. That's a lot of pressure.


You may reply that professional athletes are paid and trained to perform under pressure. Well, maybe. But I am not sure any amount of training can prepare you for such psychological pressure - it is a very unnatural situation. Think of Scott Norwood and Bill Buckner - they will always be remembered for one single instant where they arguably were not able to deal with the pressure of the moment.




Well we know that there is one player that can play under that pressure and outperform everyone else.


He wears #15.  We don't have that.  

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This loss is NOT on Bass.  When in the red zone with the season on the line play selection is the key to success.  A pass run option vs a halfback dive with Allen’s ability running with the ball would have sealed the deal.  They were focused on clock management rather than better play selection.  Never should have let that game slip away with three not so good plays.  Go for the TD all 4 plays and win.


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The Guy In Pants
36 minutes ago, Ann said:

You won't. It is a sickness. 😛 


Unfortunately. I am just angry. The "process" has been a sham. Telling us we are one piece away......yeah maybe we were 3 years ago before our roster wasnt geriatric and 4th string. We are not going to be able to do much in the way of anything. 


And Diggs....always mad at everyone for losses; that drop......how the blue &#%$ you don't use your hands to catch that and instead try to cradle it, I do not know...... GAHHHHHHHHHH 

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7 minutes ago, Nikko said:

This loss is NOT on Bass.  When in the red zone with the season on the line play selection is the key to success.  A pass run option vs a halfback dive with Allen’s ability running with the ball would have sealed the deal.  They were focused on clock management rather than better play selection.  Never should have let that game slip away with three not so good plays.  Go for the TD all 4 plays and win.



Actually they were focus on going for the score instead of clock management...

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Meh, after lo these many years of playoff failure I'm shopping for another sport to root for. ( Is rowing a sport that doesn't have NFL-type officials?)

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5 minutes ago, Keukasmallie said:

Meh, after lo these many years of playoff failure I'm shopping for another sport to root for. ( Is rowing a sport that doesn't have NFL-type officials?)

No you aren't. You've been a fan longer than I have. You're stuck being a Bills Fan. 

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