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‘23 The Aftermath - Chiefs @ Bills- Divisional Round


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Alaska Darin
1 hour ago, Taro T said:


As long as Beane is the GM, really don't expect the downturns to be of Billsian proportions nor to just come out of the blue because a coach decides to leave (Knox, Saban) or the owner gets a wild hare and cans one of the best GMs in the game (Polian).


AFTER Beane leaves, all bets are off.  Not convinced ownership will be able to identify the next Beane.

Luckily for us, Beane is only 47 and we have an owner rich enough to keep him as long as he wants to be here.


We're on the same page, though.  I will say that it does hearten me to see guys like Dan Morgan and Joe Schein get hired to run teams.  That means Beane's creating a pipeline of competence that is recognized around the game (unlike Mike Tomlin).

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On 1/22/2024 at 3:25 PM, Ann said:

It is why people have taken to saying this team is cursed. They have been one of the unluckiest teams in the league since 2020.  At some point, ya gotta wonder...


Whoa, ya' musta' meant 1990.   

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On 1/23/2024 at 11:15 AM, expos4ever said:

More limerick therapy


O the pain, ‘tis most grievous to bear

To the football gods I then utter this prayer

Give Ravens the pow’r

In that fateful hour

In Kel-ce, a new corn chute to tear


"Ye gods, you've ignored me" I whined

In sack-cloth and ashes now I'm begrimed

"twas a blow to the sack

So may a 'Niners back

Lose his cleats up Sire Kel-see's behind


If this sort of material crosses a line, please let me know. It is just my way of dealing emotionally with the blow of the Bill's loss (and the incredible annoying fuss over a billionaire popstar). I know there is at least one Chiefs fan here who has very kindly refused to gloat over our misery.

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