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Inside House Democrats' anti-Biden vent session

A pre-planned meeting of House Democrats focused on the party's political messaging devolved into a grievance fest about President Biden, Axios has learned.



  • Much of the meeting was taken up by members expressing their irritation and misgivings toward Biden and his team, according to a member in the meeting and another source briefed on the matter.
  • Biden was repeatedly referred to derisively as the "donkey in the room," both sources said.
  • One House Democrat shared in the meeting that the phone calls he has received have been overwhelmingly negative toward Biden, while Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) alerted members of his statement calling for Biden to withdraw from the presidential race.



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Crap Throwing Clavin
8 minutes ago, Ann said:

Inside House Democrats' anti-Biden vent session

A pre-planned meeting of House Democrats focused on the party's political messaging devolved into a grievance fest about President Biden, Axios has learned.




  • Much of the meeting was taken up by members expressing their irritation and misgivings toward Biden and his team, according to a member in the meeting and another source briefed on the matter.
  • Biden was repeatedly referred to derisively as the "donkey in the room," both sources said.
  • One House Democrat shared in the meeting that the phone calls he has received have been overwhelmingly negative toward Biden, while Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) alerted members of his statement calling for Biden to withdraw from the presidential race.




Please, someone teach Axios to write in something other than outline format.  :facepalm:

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9 hours ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


Please, someone teach Axios to write in something other than outline format.  :facepalm:


Did you ever wonder why Axios writes in outline format?

  • Axios readers are short attention span reader
  • Axios writers are short attention span writers
  • Modern journalism rarely goes beyond a headline or bullet point
  • Trimuniprazure
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After Months of Gaslighting on the Economy, Biden FINALLY Has a Plan to Tackle Grocery Prices

Amy Curtis




'The economy is fine!' 


'Wages are up!'


'Inflation is down!'


If all of those things sound familiar, it's because that's what the Biden administration has been telling us for years.


They bragged about saving you a whopping 16 cents on your Fourth of July dinner a couple of years ago and bragged about cheaper Thanksgiving dinners, too.


Now -- four months from the election -- Biden finally admits grocery prices are still too high. This is something 99.9% of Americans could've told you, and something that pops up as a major concern in polling.


And here's Biden's plan to 'fix' this problem:



Got that?


Sue businesses for price gouging.


Bully grocery stores into lowering prices.


Spend more money on food stamps (which will make prices go up as demand goes up).







C'mon November !!


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Crap Throwing Clavin
23 minutes ago, B-Man said:





After Months of Gaslighting on the Economy, Biden FINALLY Has a Plan to Tackle Grocery Prices

Amy Curtis




'The economy is fine!' 


'Wages are up!'


'Inflation is down!'


If all of those things sound familiar, it's because that's what the Biden administration has been telling us for years.


They bragged about saving you a whopping 16 cents on your Fourth of July dinner a couple of years ago and bragged about cheaper Thanksgiving dinners, too.


Now -- four months from the election -- Biden finally admits grocery prices are still too high. This is something 99.9% of Americans could've told you, and something that pops up as a major concern in polling.


And here's Biden's plan to 'fix' this problem:



Got that?


Sue businesses for price gouging.


Bully grocery stores into lowering prices.


Spend more money on food stamps (which will make prices go up as demand goes up).







C'mon November !!



Everything but addressing the cost of food.


Another reason I'll never vote Democrat: I don't live in fantasyland.

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6 hours ago, Nanker said:



The data doesn't back it.

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I love all the, "When I win Im going to change this and change that.....YOU ARE PRESIDENT. DO IT NOW MORON!

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2 hours ago, Fansince88 said:

I love all the, "When I win Im going to change this and change that.....YOU ARE PRESIDENT. DO IT NOW MORON!


All he can do is campaign, he can't actually govern, that's the string-puller's job.

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35 minutes ago, Ann said:



Nancy: We have to pass on commenting about Biden's dementia in order to see his dementia.

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35 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


Nancy: We have to pass on commenting about Biden's dementia in order to see his dementia.

am i the only one who has an ick when it comes to this and talking about dementia and aging as a joke?

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Deranged Rhino
54 minutes ago, Boyst said:

am i the only one who has an ick when it comes to this and talking about dementia and aging as a joke?


The Bidens as a clan earned every bit of what they're reaping. &#%$ them. And I say this as a person who usually bends over backwards to forgive even the worst people I run across in my day to day life.


Joe and his family have spent 50+ years enriching themselves off our backs, making the world less safe, less stable, and participated in what might end up being the death blow to the Republic in fomenting RussiaGate and upending the tradition of a peaceful transition of power. That's not even going into the darker, more disturbing he's done to hold on to power throughout the years.


He could have stepped down after he "beat" Trump in 2020. He could have walked away after the first year when it became impossible to hide his condition (unless you were a member of the MSM, then you just ran cover for it). But he didn't. Why? Because he's purely driven by ego and greed - even before he turned into a walking corpse. He's not a good man, he's never been one. He's not a decent human being, he's never been one. He's a puppet for the worst kind of ideologies and evils in our system.


So, I'll say it again: &#%$ him, &#%$ his family, &#%$ his inner circle, &#%$ his supporters, &#%$ the media who covered for him, &#%$ people who feel sorry for "poor Joe", &#%$ the entire system that allowed a decrepit, comatose, perverted narcissist ascend to the highest seat of power in our country just to spite the People who they are supposed to be serving. 


The truth is, the scorn and vitriol we're seeing thrown at Joe is far less than he deserves. 

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4 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


The Bidens as a clan earned every bit of what they're reaping. &#%$ them. And I say this as a person who usually bends over backwards to forgive even the worst people I run across in my day to day life.


Joe and his family have spent 50+ years enriching themselves off our backs, making the world less safe, less stable, and participated in what might end up being the death blow to the Republic in fomenting RussiaGate and upending the tradition of a peaceful transition of power. That's not even going into the darker, more disturbing he's done to hold on to power throughout the years.


He could have stepped down after he "beat" Trump in 2020. He could have walked away after the first year when it became impossible to hide his condition (unless you were a member of the MSM, then you just ran cover for it). But he didn't. Why? Because he's purely driven by ego and greed - even before he turned into a walking corpse. He's not a good man, he's never been one. He's not a decent human being, he's never been one. He's a puppet for the worst kind of ideologies and evils in our system.


So, I'll say it again: &#%$ him, &#%$ his family, &#%$ his inner circle, &#%$ his supporters, &#%$ the media who covered for him, &#%$ people who feel sorry for "poor Joe", &#%$ the entire system that allowed a decrepit, comatose, perverted narcissist ascend to the highest seat of power in our country just to spite the People who they are supposed to be serving. 


The truth is, the scorn and vitriol we're seeing thrown at Joe is far less than he deserves. 

to be 100% clear i am talking 30k foot view when approaching age/degenerative jokes. 

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1 hour ago, Boyst said:

to be 100% clear i am talking 30k foot view when approaching age/degenerative jokes. 


I view it in a South Park kind of way. I can laugh at Cripple Fight. I can laugh at Cojoined Twin Myslexia. I can laugh at dementia.


Yeah, it's horrible. But if I suffer from dementia, I hope my family has fun with it.

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Uncle Joe
7 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


Yeah, it's horrible. But if I suffer from dementia, I hope my family has fun with it.

It has been anything but fun for me taking care of my mother.

That said, Joe should not be paraded around by Jill and his handlers so he should be fair game.


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26 minutes ago, Uncle Joe said:

It has been anything but fun for me taking care of my mother.

That said, Joe should not be paraded around by Jill and his handlers so he should be fair game.



I have two close friends and a wife who are dealing with parents/spouses in various stages of dementia. I would never mock the people. But they're welcome to mock me.


That said, what the Bidens and Joe's staff are doing to Joe is simply terrible, and displays the hideous truth of their dysfunctions as power-hungry, money-laundering, soulless ghouls who are openly making a mockery of our country while simultaneously arguing that Trump is the one who is a threat to democracy.


I will mock the shit out of these disgusting pigs. I hope when the election is over they're standing around cheering that at least they won California.

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