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Trump Assassination Attempt, July 13, 2024 Butler PA and Florida


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3 minutes ago, Hedge said:




Several suspicious occurrences does not mean several shooters


This is the kind of bullshit that perpetuate the myths of the Grassy Knoll and Magic Bullet

Edited by devnull
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Deranged Rhino


5 hours ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:

Trending on Xwitter...






5 hours ago, dr. who said:

Disgusting, vile, ignorant people. 


Good vs Evil. 


I'm not even a particularly religious person - but it's never been more apparent. 
(talking about the ideologies behind the divide in our times more than the people/believers themselves)


4 hours ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


I'm trying to remember what war Kennedy tried to stop.  It sure wasn't Vietnam.


The IC vs the People/Constitution.


(And the actual Nazis running that particular show at that time)


They won - and, it's that same group that's been waging war on Trump since he talked about ending the perma-war industrial complex in '16. That is the same group, right now, trying to engineer Biden's ouster from within - to keep Trump from coming back and targeting them.


4 hours ago, devnull said:

The Biden Regime did not or orchestrate this.


Killing Trump martyrs him

Failing to kill him makes him a living martyr.


Lose/lose situation


Before I respond to this - let me be clear that I agree with your later statement (that I included below as I catch up in the thread) about it likely ending up being a nutjob radicalized by the information/propaganda war we all are enduring - I also agree Biden's people didn't have a hand in this... 




... The Obama faction (and the IC which more than likely is backing their proxy fight) on the other hand would have a winning scenario if today had gone right. They don't fear a martyr because they control (almost) every other potential candidate on both sides of the aisle for the next several presidential cycles. But Trump back in office could do serious damage to them.  


3 hours ago, TakeYouToTasker 2.0 said:




See above: There's CTC's take - which I agree with as well, for clarity - that if the shooter were a spook or merc or IC affiliate/asset, they wouldn't have missed... And, there's a large risk of exposure if things went wrong, like today, and they wouldn't want it blowing back on them.


... The easier way to do it would be with stuff like this (and the BBC video Ann quoted upthread): get the right people in the protective detail to look the wrong way, or the other way, just long enough for a nutter to get a shot off. If it works, great - if not, there's almost no chance it blows back on them. 


Not saying that's what happened. Just saying, that's how it would happen (in my non-expert opinion).


2 hours ago, Jabba The Hutt said:

The left DOES NOT want a civil war...they won't even know what happened.


The problem with any civil war scenario is that it won't just be Americans fighting each other. It's not going to be "country boys" vs "soy boys". The moment anything resembling a civil war kicks off, every other country (especially China, North Korea, and likely Russia - not to mention our "allies") will be getting involved - either directly or indirectly - to carve up the spoils of the fall of the republic.


It'll be very different, and much worse, than how anyone is really talking about it going down on either side imo.


2 hours ago, Nouseforaname said:



Why stop at foreign? Our IC (our meaning 5-Eyes) are absolutely boosting this signal too. 


2 hours ago, devnull said:


Whether this was staged is a legitimate concern

As is whether this was ordered by the Biden Regime


In the end, I think we will learn that this was just a Leftist nutjob who will soon be memoryholed


Most likely.


1 hour ago, Hedge said:

FBI is in charge. Surely, that will make everyone feel better!




It's sad that is even a question - but entirely deserved. The Bureau has only itself to blame for the lack of trust out there too. Specifically the 7th floor. They spent the past 8 years playing an active role in a literal palace coup to overthrow this guy, inventing evidence of crimes that never happened out of thin air to do so - and being caught doing it, and the People should just trust that they're going to give us an honest accounting of what went down? 


Not that it really needs to be said after what happened today, but these aren't normal times. This isn't just nasty politics as usual. This is something else. Something existential. 

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Deranged Rhino
24 minutes ago, devnull said:

ABC News stream suggests Biden and Trump address the nation together, but Republicans won't because...


Republicans Pounce!


I get that what I'm about to say shouldn't be the response - but part of me hopes that if Biden (or let's be honest, his people) did try to reach out to Trump, he wouldn't take the call. 

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10 minutes ago, devnull said:


Several suspicious occurrences does not mean several shooters


This is the kind of bullshit that perpetuate the myths of the Grassy Knoll and Magic Bullet


To me, that was not at all what they were implying (being multiple shooters).

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4chan probably had his entire life history posted 2 hours ago.

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They are no longer supposed to be the best of the best. They just need to check a box:




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Edit: this was a response to an article post from Sky News (UK) that was headlined like “Did Trump bring this on himself”, which the a$$bags have now deleted.

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