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Trump Assassination Attempt, July 13, 2024 Butler PA and Florida


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26 minutes ago, RochesterRob said:

  Whatever.  I just think that having difficulty accessing a phone (account) was the worst explanation possible that could have been offered on the subject.  If any of us were the subject of a criminal investigation and the authorities needed access to our phones ASAP they would have it so fast that our heads would spin.  

Wonder if they tried facial recognition? 

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Deranged Rhino
Just now, RochesterRob said:

  The gunman seemed at least to me too skilled to have just decided one day he was going to take out Trump.  Yeah, you can talk about a decorated service man not missing but that is not the case here.  Cultivating a nut via burner phones to build his confidence seems like a very plausible explanation to me.  A nut provides a layer of separation from others who may be involved.  As I said up page we most likely will never know any valuable details on this matter.  


Yup. And with his father being a shrink, and the way the IC operates in regards to mental health patients under clinical care, the possibility can't immediately be discounted just because it makes us uncomfortable. 


We literally just lived through 4 years of the same agencies and intelligence heads lying about the POTUS being a Russian stooge, inventing crimes out of thin air to do so. Not to mention 2 and half years of Covid mania where the same people used that as a pretext to change election laws, subvert the People's will, while preventing us from doing things like burying family members or going to the beach. 


There's no limit to what these people will do to hold onto power. If you haven't learned that by now, or still think it's "tin foil hat" stuff, you are the one who is behind the curve. And the next few years are going to be very difficult for those types to process - all because they're too cowardly to think for themselves. 

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1 minute ago, Fansince88 said:

Wonder if they tried facial recognition? 

  Don't know.  

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Deranged Rhino
1 minute ago, Fansince88 said:

Wonder if they tried facial recognition? 


He had no ID - but they used DNA to identify him within 2 hours of the event. 


There's only two ways that happens - both chilling. Either 1) they lied about the DNA and knew who he was because he was red flagged (and ignored), or 2) the government's DNA database is more invasive than we've been told. 

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Deranged Rhino

"Turn the other cheek!'



And like Nouse said earlier - there are plenty of despicable people on the other side of the coin - but they don't get their own talk shows on cable news where they are free to fill the airwaves with this kind of rhetoric. Only one side gets that honor - and it's the establishment's side.



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2 hours ago, njbuff said:

Do you guys think it was an inside job?

If it was an inside job it would have had to be someone who supported trump because you’d effectively create a martyr and whoever took his place would have tons of support.


Biden was already wavering, now he’s done .

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Deranged Rhino


Only if we stay the course and take out the trash, not extend another olive branch that will be set on fire and thrown back in our face like '17.

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1 minute ago, Nouseforaname said:

If it was an inside job it would have had to be someone who supported trump because you’d effectively create a martyr and whoever took his place would have tons of support.


Biden was already wavering, now he’s done .


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4 minutes ago, RochesterRob said:


If trump is assassinated you create a martyr.  What are you disputing ?

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Just now, Nouseforaname said:

If trump is assassinated you create a martyr.  What are you disputing ?

  Trump has a provable dynamic in terms of polling.  There is no guarantee that holds up with a replacement.  As far as the SS goes we have no idea as to the political loyalty of each member.  For all we know any or most of Trump's SS detail may have people who seriously disbelieve in Trump.  Especially given what the education system spews out in recent decades and the probable age of each SS member.

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27 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

"Turn the other cheek!"



Naw, dog. That's how you get people like this in power for 50+ years, despite their obvious and clear record of corruption and abuses of power. 


&#%$ every one of these people and the team around the walking corpse. 

Yeah but... Trump didn't say bloodletting 😅

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Deranged Rhino

This is the way. Hold them to the light. Make them squirm under the weight of their own excrement that they've spewed for years without remorse. 



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29 minutes ago, Nouseforaname said:

If trump is assassinated you create a martyr.  What are you disputing ?

Well, he's a living martyr now. 

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7 hours ago, The Guy In Pants said:



I used to love his movies. But, his personal leanings make me think he is a stupid &#%$. 

Ive never been a fan.  I always thought he was unfunny


But my favorite Jack Black moment has always been with Bruce Willis.  I forget the movie title.  But it had Richard Gere as an IRA terrorist helping the FBI stop Willis' from assassinating the President 


Black played a douchenozzle arms dealer.  Tho I suspect Black didn't have to really act.  Anyways, Willis tells Black the sights are off.  Black doesn't believe him, so Willis tells him to run and uses Black for target practice.


Willis tells Black to stop running and hold something out, pack of cigarettes maybe.  Willis fires a single shot that severs Blacks arm


Told you the sights were off

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Deranged Rhino
2 minutes ago, devnull said:

Ive never been a fan.  I always thought he was unfunny


But my favorite Jack Black moment has always been with Bruce Willis.  I forget the movie title.  But it had Richard Gere as an IRA terrorist helping the FBI stop Willis' from assassinating the President 


Black played a douchenozzle arms dealer.  Tho I suspect Black didn't have to really act.  Anyways, Willis tells Black the sights are off.  Black doesn't believe him, so Willis tells him to run and uses Black for target practice.


Willis tells Black to stop running and hold something out, pack of cigarettes maybe.  Willis fires a single shot that severs Blacks arm


Told you the sights were off


The Jackal. :beer: 

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Deranged Rhino



But it's their opponents who need to turn the other cheek and play nice now. Because that's what responsible adults do... at least the ones who enjoy the illusion of being more than just a disposable serf.

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I am shocked he called:




Helen said President Joe Biden tried to call to console the family after the shooting, but she wanted none of it.

“I didn’t talk to Biden. I didn’t want to talk to him,” Helen Comperatore said. “My husband was a devout Republican and he would not have wanted me to talk to him.”


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Deranged Rhino



And if you realize it's that kind of rhetoric that got us here in the first place, then you must also understand that the only way to stop this cycle is to break the wheel. To do that, you need to make it humiliating and (nonviolently) painful for everyone who got us here: politicians, faceless bureaucrats and members of the IC, "journalists", spokesmen, strategists, et al. Shun them all from polite society, bury them in litigation and turn their own lawfare against them, while assuring they never again work in government/public service, the media, or any institution of influence. 


That's the only way this is going to stop.


If we don't stop it now, the next cycle (meaning the next 4-8 years) is going to get so heated, it'll end the country. And if the country goes down, the world doesn't get better. It gets much, much worse for generations to come.

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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