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Trump Assassination Attempt, July 13, 2024 Butler PA and Florida


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Crap Throwing Clavin
5 minutes ago, Hedge said:


The Worst Clown Show in Washington - by Paul Waldman


They don't have to be snipers, just to secure a roof.


That sounds suspiciously like the sort of answers Dorector Archuleta (of OPM) was giving to the committee she testified in front of about the OPM data breach, just before she was cannhed.

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And I agree with the couple of above comments that there was no need for a sniper up there. But it was a known vulnerability and, as such, should have been guarded by *something*. 

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5 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


They don't have to be snipers, just to secure a roof.


That sounds suspiciously like the sort of answers Dorector Archuleta (of OPM) was giving to the committee she testified in front of about the OPM data breach, just before she was cannhed.

That is because there is no excuse. It was either incompetence or malfeasance. That no one has resigned or been fired is incredible, but as Trump pointed out in the debate, no one in this administration has been fired.   

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12 minutes ago, Hedge said:


The Worst Clown Show in Washington - by Paul Waldman

Look, not to beat my own chest but as a farmer who sometimes farms I loathe when people say things are unsafe working conditions.


Go tell that to a logger, a fisherman, a beat cop, a real working man...a sloped roof? Little bitches. 

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Just now, Ann said:

but as Trump pointed out in the debate, no one in this administration has been fired.   


I didn't see this, but I can think of 1 that was. The trans wacko, luggage stealing, nuclear waste thing. Who they eventually had to after he was arrested multiple times (although he's probably still working for the government in some capacity, or at the very least, has a book contract).

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2 minutes ago, Ann said:

Because these people are indoctrinating children, it is difficult to feel sorry for them if (when) they are fired:



I like the wake she is leaving. It's their own rules turned around against them. Keep going!

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Crap Throwing Clavin
8 minutes ago, Ann said:

That is because there is no excuse. It was either incompetence or malfeasance. That no one has resigned or been fired is incredible, but as Trump pointed out in the debate, no one in this administration has been fired.   


That's why I mentioned Archuleta.  


I worked with her, and knew she was lying in front of Congress.  This has the exact same feel, trying to cover her ass with excuses that superficially sound reasonable, but are obvious bullshit.

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Crap Throwing Clavin
9 minutes ago, Boyst said:

Look, not to beat my own chest but as a farmer who sometimes farms I loathe when people say things are unsafe working conditions.


Go tell that to a logger, a fisherman, a beat cop, a real working man...a sloped roof? Little bitches. 


I've got masons here right now working in direct sun and 105 degree heat.  I'm more than a little worried for them.


But I guess I shouldn't worry too much.  They're not working on a sloped roof.  

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The internet questioned the shooting 11 years ago. I only gave my opinion on the controversy. People are allowed to question anything they want. You can see the Trump shooting is real, but people have a right to not believe it. What was done to me by rigged courts should not be used to kill the 1st amendment.



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Deranged Rhino
3 hours ago, snafu said:

I get the whole retaliation angle, and you are asking for too much.  
Real, talented people already think twice about entering public service.  9 out of 10 times they reject the awful grind and retaliation that comes with the job.  That’s why the “stupid parade” already exists.  It is full of more stupidity than ever.  You want to make it even less likely that anyone worthwhile will want to be left standing to run things. 



I want accountability and justice for the people who've made it their careers to divide and destroy the country from within. There's a difference.


You can't negotiate with these people. You can't de-program them. You can't rehabilitate them. They're enemies of the good - and the biggest reason why talented people don't want in the public service game. You want to make public service more appealing to the talented and respectable people out there? Then we need to root this out now while we have the chance. We can't just let the monsters go back to hiding in the bushes just because they're complaining right now that the light is shining on them. 


Unless you actually work to root them out, make examples of not just the public figures in politics, media, entertainment, and various institutions, including the faceless bureaucrats, nothing will ever change. Each year that passes by, the country will get a little more divided, we'll lose a little more of our liberties and civil rights (think of how many we've lost since 2000 simply by most of the country thinking - "this is okay and necessary for the times we live in" - now imagine in 5, 10, 15 years time), all while the government/establishment IC creep will continue unabated because polite society thinks it's "icky" to call an evil person doing evil evil.


And then, before our time is up, let alone our children's or their children's times are up, the country will no longer exist. Not in any form we would recognize or think worthy of fighting for, sacrificing for, making our lives uncomfortable to defend. 


We're at a point where it's fight fire with fire or resign ourselves to becoming willing serfs for an establishment that's proven over the past 20+ years that it not only hates us, it wants us dead or crippled to the point of irrelevancy. 

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5 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


I want accountability and justice for the people who've made it their careers to divide and destroy the country from within. There's a difference.


You can't negotiate with these people. You can't de-program them. You can't rehabilitate them. They're enemies of the good - and the biggest reason why talented people don't want in the public service game. You want to make public service more appealing to the talented and respectable people out there? Then we need to root this out now while we have the chance. We can't just let the monsters go back to hiding in the bushes just because they're complaining right now that the light is shining on them. 


Unless you actually work to root them out, make examples of not just the public figures in politics, media, entertainment, and various institutions, including the faceless bureaucrats, nothing will ever change. Each year that passes by, the country will get a little more divided, we'll lose a little more of our liberties and civil rights (think of how many we've lost since 2000 simply by most of the country thinking - "this is okay and necessary for the times we live in" - now imagine in 5, 10, 15 years time), all while the government/establishment IC creep will continue unabated because polite society thinks it's "icky" to call an evil person doing evil evil.


And then, before our time is up, let alone our children's or their children's times are up, the country will no longer exist. Not in any form we would recognize or think worthy of fighting for, sacrificing for, making our lives uncomfortable to defend. 


We're at a point where it's fight fire with fire or resign ourselves to becoming willing serfs for an establishment that's proven over the past 20+ years that it not only hates us, it wants us dead or crippled to the point of irrelevancy. 



This is fine until 4, 8, 12 years from now when the shoe is on the other foot.  And then the retaliation wheel will turn over.  And what you're describing is in some part an erosion of liberties and rights.  I don't disagree with the reason for what you're saying.  I just believe that your solution will result in more of the same, or worse.






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TakeYouToTasker 2.0
4 hours ago, snafu said:

I get the whole retaliation angle, and you are asking for too much.  
Real, talented people already think twice about entering public service.  9 out of 10 times they reject the awful grind and retaliation that comes with the job.  That’s why the “stupid parade” already exists.  It is full of more stupidity than ever.  You want to make it even less likely that anyone worthwhile will want to be left standing to run things. 


This doesn’t even begin to address the Lawfare side of things.


The opposition controls the entire legal apparatus, and the bottomless financial resources of the Federal Government.


You can’t fight them, because when you do, they set out to destroy you.


And even if they can’t throw you in prison, they’ll bankrupt you making you defend yourself against baseless accusations.


Good people, who otherwise just want to be left alone, are deterred by this.

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Deranged Rhino
13 minutes ago, snafu said:



This is fine until 4, 8, 12 years from now when the shoe is on the other foot.  And then the retaliation wheel will turn over.  And what you're describing is in some part an erosion of liberties and rights.  I don't disagree with the reason for what you're saying.  I just believe that your solution will result in more of the same, or worse.







I'm suggesting we break the wheel so the cycle can't continue - at least for a few generations. You can't break the wheel by pretending like the Rubicon wasn't crossed. We tried that in 2017-2019 with RussiaGate and deciding not to go after the heads of the IC and FBI and Executive who invented crimes out of thin air to hobble the incoming administration. What was the result? A gross increase in government creep with Covid, a stolen election, and 4 years of misery and division unlike this country has seen since arguably the 1930s.  


Just like it was tried in 2017 when Trump offered an olive branch to the Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas. It didn't stop anything, it only encouraged those camps to push harder...


Sooner or later you have to punch the bully in the nose. Otherwise they'll never learn. 


What is your opinion on what it would take to fix this issue short of what I'm laying out?

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