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Trump Assassination Attempt, July 13, 2024 Butler PA and Florida


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Crap Throwing Clavin
1 minute ago, snafu said:




Maybe "Diversity" and "Inclusion" need to be reimagined to "include" "diverse" points of view, like politics, or morality.



Not-so-random aside:  lots of houses of worship would benefit from regular Interfaith outreach and education.







Federal DEI needs to be burned down.


Anyone in federal government not working to the benefit of the general populace is working a job that shouldn't exist.

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2 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


Federal DEI needs to be burned down.


Anyone in federal government not working to the benefit of the general populace is working a job that shouldn't exist.



I think all DEI will eventually crumble.  The cracks are already forming.  The problem is that these DEI offices will need to be eliminated and jobs lost.  Does that even happen in Government?  I guess that's too much to ask.  The DEI employees will be re-assigned or the role of DEI will be re-written.



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1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:


I'm suggesting we break the wheel so the cycle can't continue - at least for a few generations. You can't break the wheel...



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11 minutes ago, Crap Throwing Clavin said:


That's cute.  You think the rainbow-mask-wearing land whale is straight.

  Straight and a desire to reproduce can be two different things.  That aside never underestimate the determination of a male land whale to shack up especially if she is pulling the load in terms of a place to sleep and food to eat.  I've driven past the public assistance apartment building to get to the nearest drug store and Tractor Supply.  I've seen what is walking away and to that building.  

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4 minutes ago, snafu said:



I think all DEI will eventually crumble.  The cracks are already forming.  The problem is that these DEI offices will need to be eliminated and jobs lost.  Does that even happen in Government?  I guess that's too much to ask.  The DEI employees will be re-assigned or the role of DEI will be re-written.



  DEI is one big jobs program and the federal government will keep printing money to fund it for the foreseeable future.  Even if Trump gets in it will take a substantial length of time to dismantle it.

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TakeYouToTasker 2.0
37 minutes ago, snafu said:



I think @Deranged Rhino is talking about cleaning house from within after gaining the Executive Branch.  So fighting the Federal apparatus from the outside isn't the subject.  Because you're right, that's not a fight anyone will win on a big scale.


And @Deranged Rhino's proposal for cleaning house from within also loses your point.  Because you're also right that good people DO want to be left alone.  And there are a lot of non-partisan federal employees who perform their job and  don't #resist (and want to be left alone).  And there are likely a lot of partisan federal employees who likewise who perform their job and don't #resist (and want to be left alone). 





Off the top of my head -- and It might not be the best idea, but one place to start would be to have every management-level Executive Branch employee hand in his or her resignation on January 20.  They can re-apply and be reviewed by the new appointees.  However, even then I can see how this "solution" would be politicized and result in unintended consequences.  I think any "solution" has a high risk of turning out like any short-sighted Democrat idea that I like to mock and lament.


Rooting out the employees who do act outside the scope of their employment, motivated by their political beliefs should be an internal job -- not a public pillory exercise.  And even then, the "rooting out" process is a dangerous game whereby people will lose their privacy and freedoms.


Look at Michael Flynn, and Rudy Giuliani.


The apparatus’ singular goal: to destroy them.


I forget the name of the gentleman who spoke recently after being vindicated in court; who was asked about the potential of serving within a future Trump Administration, where he said absolutely not, because his family and finances had already been destroyed, and he had no intention of putting himself through that again.


Look to what they’ve done to Trump, and his family.


Chuck Schumer famously said (paraphrased), that the CIA would destroy anyone who opposed them.


If you can’t fight city hall, you certainly can’t fight Langley and Foggy Bottom.

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2 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker 2.0 said:

Look at Michael Flynn, and Rudy Giuliani.


The apparatus’ singular goal: to destroy them.


I forget the name of the gentleman who spoke recently after being vindicated in court; who was asked about the potential of serving within a future Trump Administration, where he said absolutely not, because his family and finances had already been destroyed, and he had no intention of putting himself through that again.

Michael Caputo (the attorney from Buffalo)

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CNN host loses it after former US Army sn*per Cory Mills suggests the July 13 assas*ination attempt on Trump *could have been* a setup.


Holy sh*t.


Mills explained how everything about the incident made no sense. 
CNN anchor Kate Bolduan was visibly stunned and desperately tried to combat Mills' statements.


Mills made it *very* clear that he was simply examining all options for what may have happened.


Let me say that again: Mills made it very clear that he was not asserting the incident was a setup but said it should be considered during an investigation.


Cory Mills served in the U.S. Army as a member of the 82nd Airborne Division and Joint Special Operations Command.



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TakeYouToTasker 2.0
8 minutes ago, Ann said:

Michael Caputo (the attorney from Buffalo)

Ah, yes. That’s right. Your memory is better than mine. :cheers:

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17 hours ago, Hedge said:



And I agree with the couple of above comments that there was no need for a sniper up there. But it was a known vulnerability and, as such, should have been guarded by *something*. 


That's probably a 3-12 roof, even someone afraid of heights with a cane can walk that

Edited by Cinga
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Alaska Darin
5 minutes ago, Ann said:





Welcome to why no one should ever have supported Cancel Culture.  It's a matter of time before they get around to YOU.

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Deranged Rhino
1 hour ago, snafu said:



I think @Deranged Rhino is talking about cleaning house from within after gaining the Executive Branch.  So fighting the Federal apparatus from the outside isn't the subject.  Because you're right, that's not a fight anyone will win on a big scale.


And @Deranged Rhino's proposal for cleaning house from within also loses your point.  Because you're also right that good people DO want to be left alone.  And there are a lot of non-partisan federal employees who perform their job and  don't #resist (and want to be left alone).  And there are likely a lot of partisan federal employees who likewise who perform their job and don't #resist (and want to be left alone). 





Off the top of my head -- and It might not be the best idea, but one place to start would be to have every management-level Executive Branch employee hand in his or her resignation on January 20.  They can re-apply and be reviewed by the new appointees.  However, even then I can see how this "solution" would be politicized and result in unintended consequences.  I think any "solution" has a high risk of turning out like any short-sighted Democrat idea that I like to mock and lament.


Rooting out the employees who do act outside the scope of their employment, motivated by their political beliefs should be an internal job -- not a public pillory exercise.  And even then, the "rooting out" process is a dangerous game whereby people will lose their privacy and freedoms.



Appreciate the response (and conversation as always) :beer: 


I think it comes down to a question of whether or not you still believe we have a functioning republic. If you believe that the core checks and balances are still in place, that the constitution is still being upheld by the people we put into power, and that the republic's institutions and agencies - while sometimes hyper partisan - are operating on the level more or less; then any proposed solution to our problems should be surgical in nature - if only to preserve the very liberties we are both interested in preserving. 


But if you believe, as I do, that the constitution itself has been undermined to the point of rendering the checks and balances ineffective (if not outright obsolete) - and it was done with intent and purpose to increase the power (both financial and governmental) of certain select groups and individuals at the expense of the People's liberties and freedoms; then a surgical solution won't do anything but prolong the illusion of a functioning republic. 


Think about what has happened to our liberties and freedoms over the past 24 years in the name of the security state and "keeping us safe":

*the right to free speech (seriously chilled and getting more chilled every day since 9/11/01)

*the right to privacy (gone since at least 2003)

*the 5th, 6th, 8th and 10th amendments gone, or crippled to the point of irrelevance, all in the name of fighting "the war on terror" - which has morphed into any enemy the state deems a threat, even its own People. 


All that happened while we weren't fighting back. Heck, most of that happened with gleeful support of the majority of the country because they believed in the good will of our political class, and that their goal was truly to keep us safe, not feather their own nests and castles. 


Since then, we've seen the FBI and IC used as a tool by the outgoing president to frame an innocent president-elect, while railroading dozens of innocent people to make their case stick - not in court, but in the minds of the People. People's lives were ruined if not changed forever, men like Flynn, Page, even the less savory types like Manafort and Cohen. All that was done intentionally in order to undermine the peaceful transition of power and deny the People's voice in how their government is run. That little stunt divided the nation to unheard of levels since the 1860s. All the while the media, which has a revolving door between the executive and the IC and the studio sets, ran cover for the culprits - shaming, canceling, or publicly destroying the lives of anyone who questions their falsehoods.


Then, when their "team" took back power, did they show grace? Nope. Did they slow down their assaults on our liberties, freedoms, and the bedrock of our Republic itself? Not even a little. In fact, they accelerated their attacks.    


Don't get me wrong, I want to find a surgical solution to all of this, just like you. Even in my passionate (maybe too passionate) diatribes here, I'm not calling for violence or vigilante justice. I don't want to encourage the cycle of violence or hyper-partisanship to keep repeating. That's been my goal since day 1 when I started to see the machine for what it truly is. It's why I went as hard and as vocal as I did in 2017-2019 on the old boards. 


That was our chance as a nation to expose it all, and start cleaning up the mess in a traditionally "American" way - using the legal system to expose, charge, and prosecute the ones responsible for the palace coup. Had that happened, I truly believe a lot of the other stuff would have been handled by default - or at least chilled. People like Brennan, Clapper, Biden, Hillary, and their flunkies being tried and found guilty of their clear crimes against the constitution would have done more to heal the nation than any moment since the Moon Landing - even with the ensuing chaos that would have gone down from the usual suspects as those trials went on. 


But it didn't happen. The administration feared what you fear - the backlash and what such a sweeping case (likely pulling in dozens if not tens of dozens of sitting and former members of our government and its institutions, including IC heads and lieutenants) would do to the country. So they let it go, thinking they would definitely win a second term and would be able to "reason" with these lunatics. 


Then we saw what the lunatics did to make sure they escaped punishment. Whether you want to believe Covid was an organic crisis, or an engineered one, the end result was the same. Our fear was once again used against us to make us look the other way while rules were re-written, laws were ignored, and the People's say in their own government was once again denied to them by the "adults in the room" who are now calling on people to calm down. 


Now we're here. We can either keep pretending like these are normal times and our country is functioning in peak form - or we can be honest about the rot, corruption, and evil we're facing (that is not partisan - but systemic in nature) and about what needs to be done to fix it before it's too late. 


All that said, I still don't know the answer and am not claiming to. I just know doing nothing, turning the other cheek, or taking the high ground isn't the answer. I do like your proposal, and it should be something that happens every 4 years - along with term limits - and we'd be at least starting on the path towards finding the answer.  


To me, it seems more un-American and against everything the Founders believed in to sit back and do nothing at this stage out of fear of blowback. Hell, these were the dudes who launched a war against the greatest power the world had ever known at that point just because the Brits tried to tax their tea. What do you think they would say about today's environment. 


Jefferson said it best in the Declaration of Independence: 


"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."


We've hit that point in the American story. 

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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Deranged Rhino
11 minutes ago, Ann said:






Not Black though - because he makes money. Kyle only makes money through Black these days.

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7 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Not Black though - because he makes money. Kyle only makes money through Black these days.

Which is a bit amusing, because once this blows over, which it will, he then pockets the agency fees, because most Americans have the attention span of



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