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I live in the spandex mafia capital of the world. Most of our main and secondary roads are paved with wide bike lanes, but they rarely stay in them because it's more social to ride two or three across.  This includes when they are going 10 mph up the mountain on a windy road with lots of blind corners. Fun times.

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I think that dude in Utah is probably a douche whether he's on his bike or not.  Maybe the tight pants ratchet up the d-bag factor?


If you don't like bike riders, stay out of Brooklyn.

Regular bikes, rental bikes, e-bikes, unregistered scooters, mf-ers on skateboards, motorized skateboards, scooters.




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I have to be honest.....I LOVE the fact that us cyclists annoy drivers so much. The pure rage exhibited by motorists for having to endure the arduous task of...slowing down 15 MPH for 10 seconds and moving over a grand total of 4 feet to go around us...NEVER stops being funny. The honking...the yelling....the jerking of the steering wheel like youve lost all sense of what to do with your Honda is quite the laff riot. The expressions of jealousy and envy motorists exhibit are also a hoot...when they see groups of slim, fit and happy people with wide smiles as we enjoy our sport using pro level equipment...all while youre stuck behind the wheel on your way to the dentist or to get your nails done.


Now....have to also be honest...cyclists can be dicks on the road and inconsiderate. Of course. Happens constantly. Its a damned good thing, however that motorists are never dicks on the road or inconsiderate. Otherwise, we would REALLY have a problem, right....RIGHT??????


Here's a video sure to make your eye twitch. 




Edited by RkFast
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